1. Why Should Teenagers Not ...

Why Should Teenagers Not Watch Porn?

11 to 16 years

Ridhi Dogra


3 years ago

Why Should Teenagers Not Watch Porn?
Sex Education

It is a known fact that the internet has its advantages but it also has some disadvantages. You can easily find content related to whatever you search on the Internet. The Internet has made our life easy, in other words without the internet you will hardly be able to pass a day. To add to this, the Internet has been playing an active role in online learning and education. But at the same time, it is also very important to carefully monitor our kids and see for what reasons they are using the internet. While there are textual materials available on the Internet, there is also an abundance of porn sites and pornographic content.  There is a high possibility that during adolescence, children are more likely to become porn addicts. Now the real question is that how should one know that their kids are porn-addicts? Therefore, in this article we will be having an in-depth discussion over the effects of pornograhy on teenagers. 

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How Can Pornography Impact Kids?

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    In this age of cutting edge technology, internet has become available from village to village and in such a situation there is more possibility that access to porn movies has become much easier for adolescent children. Teenagers are often tempted to watch porn because of the provocation of their friends or even proving themselves to be grown and mature.

    1. As per an article published in The Independent newspaper, the mother shared her experience and said that her 11-year-old child watched a porn film. Describing the psychological effects after watching this film, the woman says that her child is now uprooted. The child has become more irritable than before and now he has started showing anger even on small things.
    2. Let us tell you that the 'National Association of Head Teachers' of England wants to include the effect of porn films in the syllabus. This organization believes that the child should be given positive and correct information about sex from the age of 10 years. The organization believes that by doing so, the child can also be informed about identifying and avoiding unsafe and perverted sex.

    3. The National Association of Head Teachers, citing a survey, reported that at least 30 thousand people visit porn sites every second. 25 percent of all searches on the Internet are porn-related materials.

    4. According to an article published in the BBC, the biggest disadvantage of watching porn content in teens is that many types of misconceptions are being created in their mind about sex. In the coming days, this can become a problem for parents and guardians. According to the report, according to a survey conducted in Europe in the year 2011, a third of children aged 9 to 16 years had seen porn-related materials.

    5. Boys and girls start experiencing physical, mental and behavioral changes as soon as they step into adolescence. They also make many kinds of misconceptions by looking at porn related materials.

    6. In some circumstances, it is also seen that the addicts of watching porn sites start becoming physically and mentally ill.

    The Problem With The Pornsites

    Many websites showing porn movies were banned in their country, but despite this, they became available again with some modifications. It has also been found in the survey that most of the boys and girls watch porn sites on mobile only. In some circumstances, it has also been seen that after downloading the video, even with the help of a CD, we watch it on the laptop.

    How Can Family Members Supervise the Child?

    1. Go to Settings in Chrome browser. You need to scroll down and tap on the option of site settings. Here if the cookies option is off, then turn it on. After this, even after deleting the search history, you will get to know about the browsed sites.

    2. If you use Chrome browser or Firefox, you can check your browsing history by going to the Privacy option and clicking on Remove individual cookies.

    3. There are many such apps in the Play Store like Keylogger, Kids Palace Parental Control, Parental Control and Device Monitor etc., from which you can keep an eye on someone's internet search.

    What Should Parents Do if They Find Out That Their Kids Are Addicted To Porn?

    If parents come to know that their child secretly watches porn movies, then do not forcefully, scold, reprimand or beat them. The most important thing is to focus on counseling your child. You can take the help of local hospitals or a psychologist. Try to explain lovingly to your child and tell them that addiction to watching porn movies is also like a disease or drug. Share your views openly with them and give them the opportunity to talk openly.

    • As parents you need to have an open and a transparent conversation with your child about the negative effects of pornography. 
    • Make time for your kids and know their routine

    • Hormones change at this age, explain to them

    • Don't interfere, but know what their circle of friends is like

    • If something is wrong then explain to them with love, and avoid scolding. 

    Wrapping Up

    According to a new study, teens who watch intimate scenes in movies are more active in matters of sex than other people. A new study by psychologists has claimed that teens who watch sex scenes in popular movies from a young age become more erotic and more active in sex matters than other people. Psychologists believe that it also affects their behavior. They tend to be more violent and irresponsible than other teens. Well, as parents we can understand that porn addiction can be a cause of concern but rather than feeling scared and stressed, the best thing to do is to seek therapy and if needed take your kids to counselors who will help your children to deal with this problem effectively and effortlessly. 

    Don’t feel scared, but stand with your kids and help them fight this problem easily and in a hassle free manner!

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