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Know More About The Ovulation Kit- Read More


Parentune Support
2 years ago

Know More About The Ovulation Kit- Read More

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Hormonal Changes
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During each menstrual cycle, your ovary releases an egg. The process is called ovulation.  After being released, eggs have up to 24 hours to be fertilized. If you're trying to conceive, knowing when your ovulation period will be can be a big help. You can find out when you ovulate by using an ovulation kit. Tracking ovulation has multiple benefits, including identifying your most fertile days for getting pregnant, avoiding pregnancy, and keeping tabs on your general health.  You'll learn everything you need to know about ovulation kits and to use them effectively, in-depth in this article.

What are the benefits of using an ovulation kit?

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    Keeping track of your menstrual cycle can be useful for a number of reasons, including determining when you are most likely to become pregnant, avoiding pregnancy, and keeping an eye on your overall health.  

    It is helpful:

    • For those who have been using hormonal contraception for a long time and are ready to wean off the drug and reacquaint themselves with their natural menstrual cycle.
    • To anticipate periods, their length, and regularity. This will prevent periods from catching you off guard.
    • To detect the changes in the cycle. Conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), ovarian insufficiency, and thyroid issues can be detected early by observing these alterations in your menstrual cycle.

    How does an ovulation kit function?

    Ovulation kits that forecast ovulation do so by measuring LH (luteinizing hormone) in the urine. Although LH is always present in the urine, its concentration rises in the 24 to 48 hours prior to ovulation, in order to hasten the egg's development into its final stages. This rise in LH levels is referred to as an LH surge. Ovulation kits detect an LH surge. 

    The stick ovulation tests, which are extremely common, are comparable to pregnancy tests. There are two lines in the kit: the control line and the test line. The control line ensures the functionality of the equipment. An increase in LH has been indicated if the test line becomes visually distinct by becoming the same shade as or darker than the control line. The ovulation process is about to begin if the second line becomes clearly defined.

    Types of ovulation tests

    • LH-only ovulation tests: These tests detect only the presence of LH in the urine.
    • LH and estrogen ovulation tests: These types of ovulation kit check for both LH and estrogen in the urine. The presence of estrogen in the urine is a reliable indicator that ovulation is imminent. 
    • Progesterone ovulation tests: In contrast to the other ovulation tests that predict when ovulation will happen, progesterone ovulation tests are used to determine whether ovulation has already happened. This is usually done to make sure the woman is ovulating normally.

    When should you start using the ovulation kit?

    Most women who have cycles of 28 days ovulate on day 14, or 14 days before their next period. The day, however, varies depending on whether the cycle is shorter or longer. Two days before your expected ovulation date is the best time to begin using the ovulation kit. Use an ovulation calculator, fertility apps, or chart if you're unsure. If your cycle isn't regular, it's best to take an ovulation test every day between your first and last possible ovulation days. The results will be affected if the test is conducted too early or too late.

    What is a saliva-based fertility monitoring kit?

    The saliva-based fertility monitoring kit includes a mini-scope, an application stick, and an eyepiece. It is possible to reuse ovulation microscopes. By examining the patterns created by saliva, this kit can forecast ovulation.  Estrogen is transferred from the bloodstream to the saliva. Due to a chemical reaction triggered by estrogen, dried saliva forms crystals. Crystals increase in number as estrogen levels rise during the fertile window. A woman's estrogen levels peak just before ovulation, and the resulting crystal pattern resembles a fern leaf. If you notice this pattern, ovulation is likely to happen in the next 24 to 48 hours. For the most accurate results, try not to eat, drink, smoke, or brush your teeth for at least five minutes prior to taking your saliva ovulation test.

    Ovulation kits: how accurate are they?

    In spite of the accuracy of 99% for detecting LH in urine, ovulation tests are not 100% accurate. For instance, a woman with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) might have multiple surges of luteinizing hormone but never ovulate. This indicates that the woman will receive a positive ovulation test, despite the egg not being released.


    Since the accuracy of most ovulation test kits ranges between 98 and 99 percent, the choice of which ovulation test kit to use is up to you. Methods like basal body temperature (BBT) charting and cervical mucus analysis can be used in tandem with ovulation predictor kits to improve their accuracy. It's important to keep in mind that ovulation kits don't always give accurate results. In the event that you have tried an ovulation test kit and haven't been able to determine the exact date of your ovulation, you should consult your physician.

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