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How to Get Pregnant Fast - Easy Tips To Follow


Shweta Das


3 years ago

How to Get Pregnant Fast - Easy Tips To Follow

Only For Pro


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Dr. Pooja Mittal

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If you’ve decided to start or grow your family and want to get pregnant quickly, the wait can be taxing and hard to endure. While you may want to conceive as soon as possible, there’s no guarantee when you’ll actually get pregnant. However, you can start planning for a baby right away. 

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Please note that there’s more to planning for a baby than just having sex. From tracking your ovulation period to making healthy lifestyle changes, here are a few dos and don’ts that can help you conceive quickly and get started on your parenting journey. 

11 Tips to Get Pregnant Fast

Knowing how your body works and making lifestyle changes to get fitter can increase your chances of conceiving a healthy baby. Below are tips that can help you get pregnant fast. 

1. Get a preconception checkup

Before you start trying for a baby, it’s a good idea to schedule a preconception checkup. Your Doctor can help you with the following so that you can get pregnant fast:

  • Folic acid intake: Your doctor can help you determine if you’re getting enough folic acid in your diet and whether you need to start taking prenatal vitamins containing folic acid. During early pregnancy, folic acid helps protect your baby against birth defects like spina bifida. 

  • Lifestyle changes: A preconception checkup can help you gauge your overall health. Based on this, your Doctor can recommend lifestyle changes that could help you conceive fast.

  • Pre-existing conditions: If you have a pre-existing condition, you can discuss with your Doctor how it can impact your pregnancy and your chance of getting pregnant, You can also ask about your current medication’s impact on pregnancy. 

  • Genetic screening: A preconception checkup can help you explore your family history and decide if you need to go for genetic screening.

2. Find out when you ovulate

Finding out when you ovulate can help increase your chances of getting pregnant fast. Ovulation happens once every menstrual cycle, i.e. on the ovulation day when your ovary releases an egg for fertilization. Knowing the day on which ovulation is likely to occur can help you improve your chances of getting pregnant in that cycle.

Here are some ways you can track and predict when you’re most likely to ovulate:

  • Use our Ovulation Calculator: Use this free tool to find out your most fertile days each month. All you need to know is the first day of your last period and your average cycle length, which can be calculated for both regular and irregular cycles. 

  1. Use ovulation test kits: Use these over-the-counter ovulation predictor kits in the middle of your cycle to determine when you’re about to start ovulating. These tests work by detecting the presence of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) in the urine, as the level of this hormone increases sharply before the start of ovulation.

  2. Track your ovulation symptoms: Monitor the signs and symptoms of ovulation, such as changes in your basal body temperature and vaginal discharge, to determine your most fertile days. 

Note: If you have just gotten off birth control and want to conceive, it may take some time for you to regain fertility, which could vary based on the type of birth control used. 

In most cases, fertility returns in the next cycle after you’ve stopped using birth control. While your cycle may take a few months to stabilize, you could also get pregnant in the first month of becoming fertile again.

3. Have sex during your ovulation period

Once you find out when you could ovulate, you can determine your most fertile days, which are the ovulation day and the two days before it. Having sex during this period could help you get pregnant fast. Also, get your partner to ejaculate at least once just before your most fertile days. This would help ensure that the sperm in his semen is healthy.

4. Have frequent, unscheduled sex

If you’re unable to determine your most fertile period, try having sex every 2-3 days, especially during the middle two weeks of your cycle. This should help improve your chances of conceiving quickly.

While you should have sex more often, don’t overdo it. Instead of forcing yourself and sticking to a schedule, be patient and have fun with your partner.

5. Avoid harmful substances

Some substances that you should quit or avoid to improve your chances of getting pregnant fast are listed below:

Quit smoking

Smoking impacts all phases of the reproduction process in both men and women. The only way to have a safe pregnancy and protect your unborn baby from harm is to quit smoking. 

Avoid caffeine

Caffeine is found in coffee and teas. Some soft drinks and energy drinks also have high caffeine in them. Avoiding all sources of caffeine can help you conceive faster.

Avoid alcohol

Drinking alcohol can reduce fertility in both men and women. Avoid heavy drinking as it not only lowers your chances of getting pregnant but also affects the health of your unborn baby.

Avoid recreational drugs

Taking recreational drugs like cocaine, ecstasy, and cannabis can reduce conception chances in both men and women. Over time, they can even cause infertility and permanent damage to the reproductive system. So, avoid such drugs as they can seriously impact your unborn baby’s health and cause major problems during pregnancy.

Avoid exposure to chemicals in the environment

Some chemicals like pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides can affect the reproductive health of both men and women and lower the chance of conception. Avoiding exposure to them can help increase your chances of getting pregnant.

Avoid lubricants that are not fertility-friendly

If you want to use a lubricant to help you get in the mood to try for a baby, choose one that's safe and sperm-friendly. This is because some lubricants can affect the quality of the sperms. 

6. Eat healthy foods

You can improve your chances of getting pregnant by following a healthy diet. Eating healthy and nutritious food also helps protect your baby from birth defects like spina bifida.

7. Exercise to get fitter and healthier

Exercise to improve your health and fitness, as this will help improve your fertility and your chances of getting pregnant fast. You can start out with taking the stairs, walking, continuing with simple, light exercises, and even taking up running or dancing. However, try and avoid heavy exercises as they could impact your menstrual cycle and fertility. 

8. Target a healthy weight

Obesity can affect normal ovulation, reducing your chances of getting pregnant fast. Getting to a healthy weight as per your ideal Body Mass Index (BMI) can help you get pregnant fast. 

9. Reduce stress

Trying to get pregnant fast can get stressful. While a little bit of stress is nothing to worry about, extreme and prolonged stress can reduce your chances of getting pregnant. So, try and do things that could help you relax and destress, e.g., do deep breathing exercises, practice yoga and meditation, get a massage, or go out on a date night. Going on a weekend getaway or a longer holiday can also help you to relax and unwind.

10. Get plenty of sleep

Odd sleep timings can negatively impact your menstrual cycle, making it difficult for you to get pregnant fast. So, fix your sleep timings and get plenty of sleep to improve your chances of conception.

11. Maintain good oral health

Mouth infections and inflammation could increase the risk of developing preeclampsia, giving premature birth, and delivering an underweight baby. Also, pregnancy can be hard on your gums and teeth. If you’re trying to get pregnant, it is better to visit your dentist for a check-up so that any problems can be dealt with beforehand.

Tips for men to improve fertility

Ensuring that your partner’s sperm is strong, healthy, and plentiful can improve your odds of getting pregnant faster. This is because better-quality sperm has a greater chance of fertilizing an egg and creating a healthy baby. 

Here are some tips your male partner could follow to improve fertility:

  • Quit smoking.

  • Avoid recreational drugs.

  • Cut back on alcohol.

  • If overweight, reduce weight to your ideal BMI.

  • Eat a balanced, healthy diet. 

  • Reduce stress.

  • Do regular exercises. 

  • Consume sufficient amounts of key nutrients like zinc, folic acid, and Vitamin C. 

  • Wear loose-fitting underwear.

  • Avoid hot environments like hot tubs. 

  • Avoid sitting for long periods with a laptop on the lap instead of a table.

The sooner your partner starts implementing these changes, the sooner he’ll start yielding better-quality sperm. This usually happens three months after making the changes because sperm take time to mature.

When to see a fertility specialist

If you or your partner suspect a fertility problem, then it is better to talk to a fertility specialist before you start trying for a baby. 

Also, consult a fertility specialist if:

  • You’re 34 or younger and have been trying to get pregnant naturally for a year with no luck.

  • You're 35 or older and have been trying to conceive naturally for six months without success.

If you have any more questions or concerns about how to get pregnant fast, ask our Doctors for advice.

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