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Things To Take Care Of Before Hitting The Maternity Ward


Shikha Batra


2 years ago

Things To Take Care Of Before Hitting The Maternity Ward

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Are you pregnant and your D-day is just a few days away? Are you already going through a plethora of emotions (though mixed) thinking about how you will manage everything alone once your baby will come into this world? Does it seem overwhelming with so many things on the list to tick off on the to-do list just before you hit the maternity ward? Whether you are expecting your first child or third , maternity and delivery is a  journey full of wonder, joy, excitement and not to miss some anxiety especially before delivery when the time to hit the maternity ward is just a matter of time. Holding your little bundle of joy in your arms can be pure bliss but at the same time it can be exhausting as well as overwhelming, more so as your body lacks the strength,  the required energy as well as time to do those routine tasks. Worry not, here is a list of things which will help you manage everything smoothly in advance and thereby relieving you of the unnecessary stress. These tips will help you savor those precious moments with your newborn.

  1. Be ready with the essentials to avoid last minute rush- A properly installed car seat, adorable decor of a nursery with appropriate furniture such as a crib, or a cradle, baby monitor, dresser, night light, toy basket, wardrobe with plenty of seasonally appropriate clothes, diapers, wipes, bedcovers, light blankets, neck pillow, changing sheets, baby bathtub, baby toiletries etc. 
  2. Arrange Household essentials in bulk- To avoid last minute visits to the market, stock up essentials with longer shelf life like groceries like dry pulses, cereals, salt, sugar, oil etc. Besides these you can stockpile toilet paper, paper towels, cleaning products, personal care products. 

  3. Take advantage of technology- Install the home delivery apps on your phone which deliver items at your doorsteps within a few hours. Fortunately technology can come to our rescue at such occasions when it’s impractical to go out and collect items ourselves, especially the first few weeks after delivery. You can schedule delivery of goods as per your convenience and availability.

  4. Make necessary arrangements for dependents at home- If you have a small child, pets, or old parents to be looked after make sure you stock up their medicine, food, and other supplies required by them. Also, arrange for someone, say a relative, a friend or family or a nanny to look after them while you will be in the hospital or even during the first few weeks after delivery. Carefully, write down their schedule, medications if any taken by them, food choices, preferences, handy tips to soothe them, precautions, emergency numbers or any other important notes that you want the caregiver to take a note of, in your absence. 

  5. Arrange for a maalishwali or japa maid- These maids specialize in postnatal and newborn massages. Postnatal massage is a full body massage that is given to a mum for up to 40 days  after the birth of her baby. It helps to soothe them and is very relaxing after the delivery which can be very taxing on their body. These massages are also known to cope up with the baby blues and postnatal depression. 

  6. Go on a babymoon before your baby is born- Plan it for the time when it is safe to travel during pregnancy. This would be relaxing as you would get to enjoy alone time with your partner before the baby comes. Once the baby is born you are not sure when you will be able to plan a vacation due to other agendas on the priority list. 

  7. Be ready with your hospital bag- Gather all the essentials beforehand such as hospital gowns, feeding gown, basic toiletries, sanitary pads, undergarments including nursing bra, breast pads, hair ties, comb, comfortable clothes, slippers/flip flops, cell phone, charger, glasses, prescribed medicines for yourself and onesies baby shampoo, baby wipes, diapers, soft baby blankets, etc. for the baby.  

  8. PreMake and freeze meals- Prepare meals in advance so that once you are back home with your little bundle of joy, you just have to heat it and you are good to go. Try out easy recipes which can be frozen and reheated. It’s  essential for the mother to take care of herself after delivery to recover faster and more so as she would be breastfeeding the baby so having a balanced diet becomes all the more important for her.

  9. Keep cash, jewelry,valuable personal items in the safe- Since you and your partner would be occupied preparing for the D-Day, to be on the safer side, keep extra cash, valuables and expensive personal items in the safe at home or in the bank. Just carry a small amount of cash with you to the hospital.

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    Hope these tips will help you in making your experience of preparing for a baby comfortable and stress-free. Please feel free to add more suggestions and/or share your valuable feedback in the comment section below.

    Happy Parenting!

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