1. Eating Sunflower Seeds Du ...

Eating Sunflower Seeds During Pregnancy - Know The Benefits


Akshita Iyer


5 months ago

Eating Sunflower Seeds During Pregnancy - Know The Benefits
Pregnancy! This is the start of an incredible journey for you and it is very much essential that you take proper care of your nutrition during these days. Remember, what you eat would give the baby the best start. Consuming seeds during pregnancy is the best way to stay fit since they do not have many calories in them. Sunflower seeds are one of the healthiest seeds to consume while you are expecting. They are the powerhouse of nutrition and provide with the nutrients necessary during pregnancy.

Benefits Of Eating Sunflower Seeds during Pregnancy:

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    • The biggest health benefit of sunflower seeds is that they are rich source of folate. Folic acid is used in the formation of red blood cells and it carries oxygen from the lungs all-round the body. The required intake of folate increases during pregnancy and its deficiency may cause serious problems for the developing foetus
    • Your baby needs to build enough Iron stores to last the first six months of his or her life and you can get this supplement from sunflower seeds. This will help him avoid an iron deficiency after birth
    • Phytochemicals in sunflower seeds helps to strengthen your immune system
    • Phosphorous is another important mineral present in sunflower seed which aids in development of the bones of your unborn baby
    • Sunflower seeds during pregnancy can also help cure the heartburn that mostly occurs during your third trimesters
    • Phytosterols present in the sunflower seeds helps to keep in check the cholesterol levels
    • Eating the seeds stabilizes your sugar levels because they are rich in magnesium
    • They contain vitamin E which provides antioxidants that can battle toxins and harmful radicals in your body
    • Sunflower seeds are rich in fibre which helps to regulate your digestion during pregnancy
    • They also Support in the stabilization of your mood as mood swings may occur frequently during pregnancy

    Knowing just the benefits isn’t enough. You should also know how to eat sunflower seeds while you are pregnant to derive maximum benefits out of it without compromising with the taste.

    Ways To Eat Sunflower Seeds During Pregnancy:

    • Add it to your regular salad and top it off with other nuts as well
    • Mix the seeds with your home made granola bar
    • Roast the seeds and add it to your cakes and muffins
    • Enjoy it the simple roasted way
    • Mix it with other nuts and dried fruit and eat them with plain yogurt
    • Grind the seeds into powder and blend with your favourite pancake or early morning oatmeal
    • Make a paste out of the seeds and use it as a spread
    • Make a dressing out of it and use it over your salad

    There are numerous recipes that you can try with the sunflower seeds to keep yourself and your baby healthy. Just remember do not over eat; moderation is the key to a healthy pregnancy. Ask your doctor if you can take sunflower seeds daily. If you get a green signal from him, you can safely consume it in moderation every day.

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