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Crying, Cranky, Fussy Baby – Could it be colic?

0 to 1 years

Dr. Manoj Yadav


2 years ago

Crying, Cranky, Fussy Baby – Could it be colic?
Colic & Digestion

Colic can keep babies and parents up at night. If your baby is crying for no apparent reason for long durations, it is natural for you to wonder if something is wrong. This article will help you understand if your baby is crying due to colic or not. 

What is Colic?

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    Infantile colic is common in babies starting in the first few months of life and generally settles by the fourth or fifth month. Let’s start by trying to answer the following questions with a yes or no to understand if your baby may be colicky. There are directive questions for your understanding. Please consult a Pediatrician to check if your baby is suffering from colic.

    ●    Is the crying intensity higher than usual?

    ●    Does your baby’s face turn red, and do they pull their legs up as they cry?

    ●    Does their stomach look bloated or swollen? 

    ●    Is your baby clenching their fists as if in pain? 

    ●    Do they pass gas while crying? 

    ●    Is your baby crying even when s/he is well-fed and otherwise healthy? 

    ●    Is the baby’s cry more inconsolable in the evening and do they feel comfortable after passing gas?

    If you answered yes to most of these questions, then chances are that your baby may be Colicky. 

    Causes of Colic

    Colic is normal, and usually peaks around 6 weeks after birth and resolves by itself by the time the baby is about 4-5 months old. the most common cause of colic is related to the digestive system of the baby, called the Gut. This includes

    1. A developing digestive system. This can result in:

      1. Food reflux 

      2. Insufficient number of good bacteria in their digestive tract

      3. Due to gas - Babies swallow gas while crying

    How To Manage Colic in Babies

    Colic can be exhausting for the baby and the parents both. It is advisable to stay calm and avoid giving any unnecessary medication to your baby. Please consult your Paediatrician to learn more about Colic and how to prevent and manage it.



    Disclaimer: The views expressed in the content are independent and unbiased views solely of the blogger. This is supported/sponsored by Nestlé Start Healthy Stay healthy. Readers should consult their healthcare provider for any health-related information. This content is meant to help aid conversations with your healthcare provider. Any decision regarding your health and child's health should be done after consultation with your doctor.

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