1. Choosing your Birthing Ex ...

Choosing your Birthing Experience: Normal or Cesarean or VBAC




4 years ago

Choosing your Birthing Experience: Normal or Cesarean or VBAC
Birthing - delivery

After months of eager anticipation, the birth of a baby is nothing less than a beautiful miracle for expecting parents. Naturally, the anxiety about the delivery being without complications is foremost in their minds.

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I recently bumped into an old friend in a shopping mall. She instantly gave me a hug, and it took me a few seconds to comprehend that she was full-term pregnant, and dressed in stylish pregnancy attire. She was delighted to know that the two bouncy children accompanying me were mine, and was instantly curious about the type of delivery I'd had.

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    While I was narrating my story, she looked almost shocked to know that my elder son (7 years old now) was a cesarean delivery and my younger son (4 years old) was a normal delivery. Knowing what she knew now, she couldn't control her curiosity bundled with confusion about how a vaginal birth had followed the first C-section. She asked me a lot of questions about the possibility of a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) and, of course, also asked me to compare both modes of delivery.

    An hour and a half later in the coffee shop, she was a happy, confident person and was armed with a lot more information for when her time came. Here is my comparison of the two birthing experiences I had.

    The Birthing Experience – Vaginal Versus C-Section

    I became a mother for the first time through an emergency cesarean section, as my cervix couldn't dilate despite being in labor for seventeen hours. To sum up my experience-

    1. As my baby was making the first connect with this world through a big incision in my stomach I couldn't feel much of anything
    2. Though the shot of anesthesia in my spine had taken away all the pain, it had also taken over complete control of my body. I could see, with droopy eyes, my baby in the hands of the doctors. My heart was pounding hard to hear his first cries which were being forced out of him as he was too sleepy, (courtesy of the anesthesia) and then I saw the nurse take him away
    3. Every cell in my body wanted to touch my baby but I felt too drowsy to even string a normal sentence. I cried, but I was not even capable of wiping my own tears as my hands lay helpless by my side.A big contrast to my first experience was my normal delivery
    4. When I gave birth to my younger one he was so charged up and alert that he was busy looking at the lights on the ceiling while different people kept taking him here and there
    5. He was immediately handed over to me still wet with amniotic fluid. He and I looked at each other and believe it or not I discovered what love at first sight felt like. That first moment, his expressions, the content that both he and I felt when he came to my embrace, are sealed forever in the frame of my heart as the moments of a lifetime. Again, my eyes welled up but this time I could joyfully wipe my tears

    Postpartum Experience – Vaginal Versus C-Section Birth

    After the birth, began journey of getting to know each other. Here are some of my key experiences-

    1. During both the times holding the child was difficult in initial days till the stitches were recovering
    2. Although the pre-birth pain is more during vaginal delivery when compared to a cesarean section, the post-birth pain was significantly low in the former case
    3. The heavy dosage of medication used during my c- section was quite harsh on my stomach, creating bowel problems for at least a week post-delivery

    Breastfeeding After A Vaginal Birth And A Cesarean Section

    1. Breast-feeding was a big challenge after the C-section birth as my baby was kept in the neo-natal ward for two days. I was asked to abstain from feeding which led to a delay in the natural reflex of suckling coming into action
    2. My younger child was brought to me to nurse after 2 hours of birth and there was barely any challenge as he took to me in the most natural manner

    Post-Partum Recovery After A Vaginal Birth And A Cesarean Section

    Recovery after a vaginal delivery and a C-Section take different amounts of time, since a surgery of any kind requires special post-operative care.

    1. After the C-Section, a lower back pain became my constant companion for a few months, although I think it was compounded because of poor posture while handling my baby
    2. It took longer for me to get back to my fitness routine because of the stitches that needed to heal completely before attempting exercise of any kind

    VBAC – Is It Possible For Everyone?

    A VBAC (Vaginal Birth After C-Section) is certainly a possibility when certain factors are favorable in the pregnancy. These include a low transverse incision during previous Cesarean Section, no major health issues and the baby's position being normal in the uterus. When I opted for a VBAC, initially I was advised against it, as my previous C-Section was a classical vertical type. But I discussed it further with my gynecologist and expressed my wish to give birth naturally. She explained every detail to me patiently and cleared all my doubts. She told me that she was 90% sure of my success, and she would take care of the remaining 10%!

    When Should A VBAC Not Be Attempted?

    While as an expecting mother you might wish to have a natural birthing experience, some of the contraindications for VBAC include-

    1. Unknown uterine incisions
    2. Previous history of major surgeries, or uterine ruptures
    3. Less than two years from the previous delivery

    These experiences are entirely mine, but in a nutshell give you a picture of what a vaginal birth and a C-Section could involve. I hope you find this information useful when it's time for your own miracle to arrive in this world. Do read my blog detailing the VBAC experience if you have further questions about VBAC.

    Did you find Gaurima's blog informative? Have any personal birthing experiences you'd like to share with us? Tell us in the comments section, we'd love to hear from you.

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