1. Importance of Speech & Dr ...

Importance of Speech & Drama in Kids Grooming

7 to 11 years

Parentune Support


1 months ago

Importance of Speech & Drama in Kids Grooming

Children are always curious about what happens around them. They are full of energy and never tire out and cease to try newer arenas of activity. A very good way to channelize their energy is to motivate them into doing something creative. Something from which they can learn and at the same time be praised for giving their own inputs. Drama, I have found is an excellent option here. To have good acting skills, it is highly important to realize the depth of voice modulation, and here comes in the vital part of speech. [Explore: How to Find A Balanced School for Your Child?]

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Importance of Speech & Drama in Kids Grooming

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    On the day of the competition, I was in two minds, wondering whether I had done the right thing, you know how it is. A little pensive, I landed in school to collect my son. His class teacher greeted me with a broad grin, she was elated to see my son's performance, rather hear my son's oration. She said he had received a special prize for his part since his voice over had given the drama, a different level, and all the judges were in praise of him since he had taken a big responsibility to bring about the essence of the story, standing in the wings. I felt so proud, that he alone, without my virtual help, achieved what he wanted and won the accolades, entirely to his credit. [Explore: Tips To Expand Toddler's Language Skills]

    As a mother, I have always tried to make him realize the importance of talking well and understanding the mood and most important the modulation and pronunciation. Nowadays, unlike our childhood, most of the English words are pronounced as per American diction, as opposed to a British accent. It creates a lot of confusion if both are mixed.

    It is important to introduce the child to a correct pattern and correct accent of speech. Children are always eager to do something new and their minds are restless, so it is important to provoke their creativity and channelize their enthusiasm into some experience that is knowledgeable and satisfying.


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