1. What Will Your First Peri ...

What Will Your First Period After Miscarriage Be Like?


Riya  Thomas


2 years ago

What Will Your First Period After Miscarriage Be Like?
High risk Pregnancy
Pregnancy by week

In the aftermath of a recent pregnancy loss, your mind and body must be understandably exhausted. It can be very painful to wait for your menstrual period after a miscarriage. When you started menstruating after a miscarriage, it is quite a good sign and indicates that your body is recovering, and it will be returning to normal within a short period of time. Your first period after a miscarriage, however, will not be the same as it used to be for the first cycle or two. Your bleeding may be worrying you, so you want to know whether it's normal. Here are some things you should know about your first period after miscarriage.

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Factors That Determine The Return Of Periods After Miscarriage

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    There are a few factors that may affect how long it takes for you to get your period back after miscarriage. For instance: 

    • Your period's regularity in the past: Your periods will likely be like they were before you conceived. In the event that you have an irregular cycle before pregnancy, it’s likely to remain this way. As a result, there may be a longer delay than the typical 4-6 weeks.

    • How far along you were in the pregnancy: The further along you were in your pregnancy, the longer for the periods to resume. It's all about the HCG level returning to zero. HCG increases as the pregnancy progresses.  A woman's periods may return sooner after an early miscarriage than after a later miscarriage.

    • If the miscarriage was complete or not: If the miscarriage was complete, there will be no pregnancy tissue left in the uterus. Placental tissue fragments can sometimes be found in the uterus after an incomplete miscarriage.  Normal periods will not resume until the pregnancy tissue has been removed. Bleeding during a miscarriage may taper off, but resume a few days later.

    How Long Will It Take You To Get Your First Period After A Miscarriage?

    If you had a regular period before the miscarriage and pregnancy, you should expect your first period to come about four to six weeks after the miscarriage. If you get your period early, do not worry. But, after a pregnancy loss, women who haven't experienced a period for more than 6 weeks should speak to their doctor. 

    What Will Your First Period After a Miscarriage Be Like?

    A woman's first period after a miscarriage is likely to be different from her normal period before pregnancy.

    • You may experience a heavier or lighter period.

    • Excess cervical mucus, and that too of varied hues

    • An odorous discharge

    • Tissue or blood clots in blood

    • Lengthier periods

    • Painful cramps

    Wondering why the first period after miscarriage is heavier?  Well, you will have a thicker endometrial lining in your uterus if you do not ovulate before your first period after miscarriage. This can result in heavier bleeding. The menstrual pains and cramps also tend to worsen with a heavier flow. However, It shouldn't take too long for your periods to return to what they were before your miscarriage.

    How Will PMS Change After A Miscarriage?

    It is not uncommon for your hormones to fluctuate significantly after a pregnancy loss. Due to this and the emotional impact of a miscarriage, PMS symptoms may be more intense than usual during the first few cycles after a miscarriage.

    How Long Does the First Period After a Miscarriage Last?

    There is no way to state precisely how long will be the periods after miscarriage. It varies from woman to woman. It is dependent on a number of different factors, like.

    • The type of abortion you had: spontaneous or planned

    • Whether you had a regular period before

    • How long did your pregnancy last

    • Experiencing any complications or health issues

    However, ideally, you can expect the period to last for 4 to 7 days.

    After Miscarriage, Why Do I Get Brown Discharge With My First Period?

    A brown discharge is nothing more than old blood that is leaving your body. You should know that it's perfectly normal for you to experience brown discharge for a few days following your period.

    When Does First Period After Miscarriage Indicate A Serious Problem? 

    • If the bleeding is very heavy, it indicates a problem. If your HCG levels are at 500 or more, this can pose a concern again. Both of these issues arise from an incomplete abortion, that necessitates medical attention.

    • Consult your doctor if you don't get a period after miscarriage or if the period is noticeably light. There is a possibility that you may have Asherman's syndrome (although it is rare), which is scarring of the uterus, which can occur after a D&C or infection of the endometrium.

    • If you’re showing symptoms of an incomplete miscarriage or serious infection. Never ignore signs like severe abdominal pain, chills or fever, back pain, dizziness, very strong-smelling vaginal discharge, etc.

    Miscarriage is a major life stressor for those who experience it. Are there any points you would like to mention in your own experience that might be of value to someone else? Feel free to share them in the comments.

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