1. Why Sport Is a Better Tea ...

Why Sport Is a Better Teacher than The Classroom ?

7 to 11 years

Parentune Support
4 years ago

Why Sport Is a Better Teacher than The Classroom ?

Sports is a very important aspect in every child's life. It not only teaches us the values of life, but also keeps us fit and healthy. We all have often heard about the debate topic "the field is a better teacher than the classroom", haven't we?

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How Outdoor & Indoor Sports Beneficial Vs Regular Classroom Learning

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    Nowadays there are innumerable sports  academies, where children can be admitted at a very early age and be trained as per their area of interest. My son was very fond of a number of sports activity and amongst them all , lawn tennis was his chosen option. Every evening we used to go for a walk in the park in front of  our house and while walking , the children playing in the adjacent tennis academy drew his attention. Soon , he was a budding tennis player, trying to barely hit the ball over the net, he was barely five and a half months! The club used to have their annual competitions and once he had won a trophy also. The idle evenings found a lovely recreation, and it was satisfactory to see him run across the field in full vigour, enjoying every moment of the two hours , twice a week.

    Swimming is another area which he tried his hands on, enjoyed but was scared at the same time. So after a few sessions , I decided  not to force him as it would not yield any positive result.

    In the years that followed , he was an active participant in the class tournaments in school, in football and cricket. Finally football won over all the rest and it is his prime area of interest. Sports is such a beautiful , pleasurable,  adventurous interest that it does not allow the innocent minds of children to wander off into seeking pleasure elsewhere.

    Many a time, a child falls into bad company because the restless mind wants adventure. I feel, every child should be introduced to some sports activity, that will quench their thirst for adventure, excitement, entertainment and recreation , all at the same time, and will exhaust their energy in a positive manner.

    Apart from outdoor  sports , there are a number of  indoor sports , where the intellect is put to test, and the enthusiasm is equally released in the right direction and proportion, and the child progresses beautifully. One of my friend's daughter is a regular at "The Statesman Scrabble Championship" held every year in Kolkata. It's a sheer pleasure to see her excel with the years.

    Children, should not be forced to like sports , they should be observed to realize their area of interest. Gradual introduction to a sports activity , arouses the curiosity and interest. I have seen children , becoming sober, intelligent and understanding by being involved in sports.

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