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Second Trimester Pregnancy Diet Tips, Weight Gain Diet, Foods to Avoid


Puja Sharma Vasisht
2 years ago

Second Trimester Pregnancy Diet Tips, Weight Gain Diet, Foods to Avoid

Only For Pro


Reviewed by expert panel

Puja Sharma Vasisht

Fetal Development
Caloric Recommendations
Nutritious foods

Welcome to the "golden trimester" of pregnancy. You're (hopefully!) done with nausea and morning sickness that plagued you during the first trimester. This is the trimester of growth and development for your baby, and your bump will get more prominent as the trimester progresses. What you will need most this trimester are calcium and vitamin D, which are necessary for bone development of the baby, and omega 3, which is an absolute essential for brain development.

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What Foods Do I Need to Eat In the Second Trimester of Pregnancy?

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    Based on the nutritional requirement for the baby's development, here are the key foods to include in your diet for the second trimester-

    1. Carbohydrates: Whole wheat bread, potatoes, and rice are good sources of carbohydrates. Choose healthy whole grains that provide essential minerals, vitamins, and fibers, too, such as dalia, wheat germ, bajra, rice flakes, and millets. Avoid excessive intake of refined cereals like maida, as well as sugar
    2. Protein: You will need plenty of protein as the new tissue and organs of the baby are now being formed. of the. Some of the best sources are milk products, whole dals, legumes/beans, eggs, fish and lean meats
    3. Calcium and Vitamin D: These play a vital role in the skeletal form of the fetus. If your diet doesn't have adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D, the calcium from your bones is extracted to meet the needs of your growing baby. Include milk products like curd, cheese, paneer, green leafy vegetables and cereals like ragi
    4. Omega-3 fatty acids: Omega-3 is known to lower the risk of heart disease, and help in the development of your baby's nervous system. At least one, and a maximum of two helpings of oily fish such as tuna or salmon in a week should suffice to provide the required nutrition. Vegetarians can choose to include foods such as flax seeds and chia seeds, walnuts and blueberries, which are rich in omega-3
    5. Fiber: One of the most common second trimester pregnancy concerns is constipation. To relieve this, make sure your meals include sufficient fiber rich foods such as whole grain cereals like dalia, green leafy vegetables, carrots, raisins and figs, fruits such as guava and chiku
    6. Fluids: Stay hydrated always with plenty of fluids. Apart from your ten glasses of water a day, buttermilk, coconut water, fresh fruit juice (without added sugar), and lassi are all healthy and delicious options. These will also help keep constipation at bay

    What Should My Weight Gain Be In The 2nd Trimester?

    The second trimester doesn't call for any extra calorie needs, but over half of your pregnancy weight will be gained at this time. Your Body Mass Index (BMI) will determine the appropriate weight gain for you, but the guideline is that in the second trimester, the weight gain is about 0.5 to 0.9 kg per week.

    If you're underweight (BMI < 18.5) - 0.5 to 0.6 kg per week of the second trimester

    If your weight is normal (18.5 < BMI <24.9) – 0.4 to 0.5 kg per week of the second trimester

    If you're overweight (25 < BMI < 29.9) – 0.2 to 0.3 kg per week of the second trimester

    If you're obese (BMI>= 30) – 0.2 to 0.3 kg per week of the second trimester

    What Are General Diet Tips for The Second Trimester of Pregnancy?

    • Use iodized salt in cooking as iodine is critical for physical and mental development of the baby
    • An extra bowl of dal, a glass of milk or a cup of curd will help meet both protein and calcium needs, in addition to contributing to a balanced diet
    • To take care of those sudden hunger pangs, have a stash of roasted channa, sprouts, tofu, homemade paneer, boiled black channa ready
    • You can mix any of these with chopped salad vegetables, add lemon juice to have a simple, nutritious snack
    • Mild exercise like walks and deep breathing canbe done in consultation with your gynecologist. These impact the overall health positively

    What Foods To Avoid In The Second Trimester Of Pregnancy?

    Here are some foods that are best avoided during pregnancy-

    • Alcohol:There is no known safe amount of alcohol, and alcohol can impact your growing baby. So you'd be safer avoiding it when you're pregnant.
    • Foods That Cause Constipation:A common pain point during the second trimester of pregnancy is constipation. Avoid refined foods, sweets, packaged foods and any food that causes constipation. Drink plenty of water and eat fiber-rich foods.
    • Raw Or Undercooked Meat and Fish: As with your entire pregnancy, avoid raw and undercooked meat in your second trimester to prevent the possibility of infection due to salmonella and other bacteria.
    • Caffeine:Limit your coffee intake to 2 small cups or 1 mug every day.


    After the initial worries about the pregnancy being viable, and then battling morning sickness, the second trimester of pregnancy is a time when you can truly enjoy being pregnant. Eat healthy, spend time with your partner and take a babymoon. The tiniest choices can have a huge positive impact on your pregnancy.

    Do you have any second-trimester experiences and diet tips to share with us? Let us know in the comments section below, as we would love to hear from you!

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