1. How Important is Primary ...

How Important is Primary Education for Teens?

3 to 7 years

Parentune Support


3 months ago

How Important is Primary Education for Teens?

Primary education is the first stage of compulsory education. It is preceded by pre-school or nursery education and is followed by secondary education. In North America, this stage of education is usually known as elementary education and is generally followed by middle school.

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For me primary education has a different meaning, it is in a literal sense the primary education that a child gets in his/her primary stage of growing up when his audio, visual and kinesthetic senses are developing along with his/her analytical and logical senses.

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    I will give a small example here: one day my younger one who is 8 years old had a few of his friends at our place. They were all watching television, playing and later on had a bowl of instant noodles as a snack, and when asked what they were doing, they came up with the answer that they were having a friendly picnic. It was logical for them to come up with the term picnic and why friendly because they were all good friends.

    Primary education should comprise of the soft skills that a child would develop in the long run and at one point it may form his/her habit. Being polite and courteous is a habit that should be inculcated at this stage only; it helps the child to understand the diverse interaction between various relations.

    Primary education as the name suggests can also be the formal compulsory education that a child partakes from a school. The rules start to set in. Getting up early and getting ready for the day is the first lesson they have here. You might be challenged while handling various situations - like once I had a girl student who insisted on changing her dress every morning 7 times before she came to school as she wanted to select the one which could match my dress color. She was a sweet 3+ half Spanish girl and she wanted and insisted on doing it and here I had to step in and make her realize that it was not logical to do so, strangely she understood and we closed the deal where she would choose between two and wear the best one for the day.

    Learning, as they say, is a never-ending process and you learn every day. Life is the best teacher but it all starts when you are at the tender primary age almost like the grapes that have been plucked and smashed, set ready in the barrel at the cellar to get matured and tastier with age. Didn’t I tell you the wine that has matured the longest is the costliest and the tastiest of the lot but the grapes have to be plucked at the right time for that?


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