1. Tricks of Keeping Little ...

Tricks of Keeping Little Ones Indoors This Summer

3 to 7 years

Parentune Support
2 years ago

Tricks of Keeping Little Ones Indoors This Summer

Children will be children, irrespective of weather, so while you and I can keep thinking it’s too hot to venture out, they will. That being the case, there are two choices left before you. Learn the tricks of keeping the little ones indoors this summer...

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The first, to encourage them to do fun things indoors to whatever extent possible, and the second, to safeguard them against the detrimental effects of overexposure to the outdoors.

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    You would know your child best, while some like to read, others like to draw and paint, some of the things that you can encourage them to do are play Ludo, Scrabbles etc at home, put on their favorite movies so they remain in the cooler environments, allow them to play video games and so on. The question is, would the little ones sacrifice the sweat, the mud, the severe temperatures and the tanning for the air-conditioned comforts of home? And if so why? I believe the answer lies in what company is allowed to them when they are asked to make such a humongous sacrifice, if it is the company of walls and chairs, perhaps then the results may not be as desired. Therefore the key to success may lie in having over the company that they enjoy the most, their FRIENDS. Once your house is the playground, & you have made sure that they are surrounded by the right balance of fun & learning, in other words, you have the right balance of children ‘enjoying themselves’ & learning, sharing in the process, you have done it! You have effectively restrained your child’s desire to play out in the sun! So yes, encourage the friends to drop by, think about interesting, funfilled & learning activities (e.g. lego to make the castle, Pictionary, the master “art-piece”), incentivize them with summer mocktails and unreleased kid’s films on the DVD and you will have achieved your goal.

    I also saw a friend set up a sort of casual hobby class at home during summers, one in which she discouraged the use of gum as much as possible, after learning the hard way, that because the floor takes a bottle full, the paper doesn’t get much in the end. So she shifted attention to origami, learned a few from the internet herself and then teaching those to her kids and their friends. In spite of such a lot of trouble, she saw success only with the little girls, the boys losing interest in a bit.

    So, there are no sure shot formulas to Summer Activities that will prove to be a hit, still, give it a shot and keep inventing as you go.

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