Lead Poisoning Causes, Sy ...
Although lead was used in ancient times to make statues, currency and waterproof lining it was not until Roman times that its use achieved industrial proportions. Simultaneously the first cases of lead poisoning were reported. Lead poisoning in children is preventable if you take precautions and safeguard your homes from lead exposure. Read more tips to protect your Children from Lead.
What Is Lead?
Those brightly colored crayons your child just used to finish his/her masterpiece, the pink nail paint that your daughter just applied or your child’s favorite toy. Have you wondered what is common among all these? Yes, all of them are most likely to have the toxic metal called Lead.
Lead poisoning refers to the adverse and irreversible effects which result from the absorption of lead into the human body. Lead can enter the human body by either swallowing, breathing or through absorption by the skin. Children are at a greater risk of Lead exposure as a growing child’s body absorbs more lead and are more sensitive to the damaging effects. Lead exposure can harm even unborn babies. In India, according to the National Referral Centre for Lead Poisoning over 18 % of children had unacceptable levels of lead in their blood.
According to the doctors, the accepted levels of lead in children anything below 5 micrograms in decilitre blood is considered low. However, even this level is being reported to the parents so that they can prevent exposure to lead thus leading to high levels of lead in a child’s blood.
How Can Children Get Lead Poisoning? - Lead Poisoning Causes. Lead is part of our daily life. Lead is one of the commonly used, non-bio degradable and toxic metals. It is a commonly occurring metal on the earth’s crust. Causes of lead poisoning can be..
So, your child can get lead poisoning either through all these or 1-2 things from the above-mentioned things.
There are numerous causes of lead poisoning in children. Children's digestive system absorbs up to 50% of the lead they ingest. Lead gets stored in red blood cells (RBCs), kidneys, bones plus other organs and is difficult to remove from the brain. In children, high retention occurs from birth to age 6 when the brain is developing and lead interferes with its development. Studies have shown that a single chip of paint the size of a thumbnail contains 1 gram of lead and a few such chips can raise the intake of lead to 1000 times the acceptable limit.
Prolonged exposure to lead can result in adverse effects on children including
Initially, symptoms may not be even evident, and the child might look absolutely normal and healthy. But with long prolonged exposure, the symptoms appear. The long term effects of lead poisoning may result in symptoms like given here...
In higher lead levels, a child may experience following symptoms given here
Lead poisoning in children is preventable if you take precautions and safeguard your homes from lead exposure. Keep your family especially your children lead safe by following the below-mentioned pointers.
Awareness programmes need to be conducted especially in schools to educate the students, teachers, and parents on the hazards and prevention measures of lead poisoning. Toys are the best companions of a growing child. Thus we need to be extra cautious about the selection of toys for our little ones. Please ensure while buying the paint for your walls it adheres to the acceptable limits of lead in its composition. Let us begin our conscious efforts at our home first to prevent lead poisoning. Let us be responsible for a brighter and healthier Gen Next.
How Can Lead Poisoning in children be treated? Okay! So you now know what causes lead poisoning in children and how you can prevent it. But what about the treatment of lead poisoning in children? How do you treat your child who has been found to have lead in his or her blood?
Well, the first step towards lead poisoning treatment is to identify the source of lead poisoning and to remove it from your child’s vicinity. And in case that is not possible for whatever reasons, then try to reduce its possible effects. Also, you may like to speak with your doctor and take recommendations from him or her on how to reduce the lead exposure in your home. As for low levels of lead exposure in children just removing the cause of lead poisoning would be enough to reduce blood lead levels in your child.
But in case, the lead levels in your child’s blood is above the accepted norms then your doctor may recommend Chelation therapy or EDTA Chelation therapy. While both the therapies administer the same medication – it is the difference in which it is given resulting in a different name.
In Chelation therapy the medicine is administered orally. The medicine then binds itself with lead in the blood and gets secreted through urine, thus reducing the blood lead levels in children.
"EDTA Chelation Therapy" is given to those children who are not able to tolerate the medicine given in Chelation Therapy. In this therapy, the medicine combined with a chemical called is injected calcium disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is injected. The medicine then binds itself with the lead present in the blood and gets released through urine thus resulting in low levels of lead in the child’s blood.
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