1. Being a Mother - A lifelo ...

Being a Mother - A lifelong Bond

3 to 7 years

Parentune Support
5 years ago

Being a Mother - A lifelong Bond
Social & Emotional

Every morning is a refreshing new start when my baby wakes up and looks for me, tilting his little neck up and about. As I peep into the room and he catches a glimpse of me, he gives me a relieved smile which tells me that he is glad that I am nearby. When I open my arms wide and call him towards me, my bundle of joy crawls right into my arms. As I look down at his fascinating face while he sleeps in my arms, I love him more with each passing day.
Seeing him for the first time is a vivid memory. He was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen! He cried and it made me cry because I had waited so long to meet him and hear his cries. I held him in my arms and said, “Hi son!” and he looked right into my eyes and stopped crying. It was the most magical moment of my entire life. In that moment, I knew that this was a lifelong bond and that this little one would change my life forever.
Now I think about my mum more often and can completely relate to her words when she used to say 'beta jab tum ma banogi toh pata chalega'. The past ten months have been incredible, his very first smile, his first giggles and the first time he rolled over - I cheered and cried as he struggled to crawl because I was so proud and amazed at how far we had come. He came into this world as a tiny little baby, pink and soft, innocent and dependent and absolutely perfect in every way. And now, he is a little boy, laughing, talking, waving and charming every person who is lucky enough to meet him.
He has learnt to stand on his own and has started to take his first steps - beginning a journey that will take him in many different directions and teach him many wonderful things. As I sit here and watch him cautiously take his first of many steps in life, I think of the man I hope he will become. I know that I will do anything under the sun to be a good mother to him and help guide him in his journey through childhood and into adulthood.
You melt my heart every time you smile, and when you lay your head on my shoulder after a long day, it makes the world right again. Never in my life have I been so excited to wake up in the morning. It is because I get to wake up next to you, my angel. I look so forward to the moment when you open your beautiful eyes and give me a precious smile, excited about what the day might hold for the two of us.
Tomorrow we both have to start a new chapter in our lives. I have to go back to work. To help make sure we have all the things we need and to help your daddy find a new job that he will like and hopefully it will make him happy. It breaks my heart to think about leaving you but I know this year being at home with you has been the greatest gift I could have ever asked for. This last year has been an amazing journey. It has been the most rewarding, incredible, special time in my whole life. I will cherish the experience of your first year of life in a special way, and treasure it always in my heart.
Words cannot express how much I love you, my prince, my precious son. You are my sunshine, my heart, my purpose of being — my everything. I am so very proud of you and honored to be your mommy. This last year has been filled with priceless memories and I look forward to so many more to come.

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