1. Zika Virus During Pregnan ...

Zika Virus During Pregnancy, Infection Symptoms & Treatment Advice


Dr. Surbhi  Saini


2 months ago

Zika Virus During Pregnancy, Infection Symptoms & Treatment Advice

Have you heard of Zika? ZIKA is a virus that spreads through a mosquito bite and can cause various birth defects in baby like microcephaly. It is common in certain countries where it’s endemic. It can pass on from an infected mother to foetus.

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Symptoms Of Zika Infection

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    Generally, it doesn’t have any specific or characteristic symptom. Its presentation is similar to that of chickenguniya or dengue-

    • Fever
    • Rashes
    • Conjunctivitis
    • Joint pain
    • Muscle weakness
    • Headache
    • Vomiting

    How Zika Spreads?

    Zika is transmitted primarily through the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito. These are the same mosquitoes that spread dengue and chikungunya. Read these causes of jica virus...

    • Through Bite from Mosquito -

      Zika is common in tropics and subtropics. If one is travelling to this country or belongs there than there are chances that you might get Zika if you are bitten by the vector mosquito
    • Through Intercourse -

      An infected partner can transmit it to the other partner through intercourse
    • From mother to child - a pregnant lady infected with Zika can pass it to the developing foetus

    Prevention From Zika

    Getting infected with Zika is a concern if you are travelling to a country where this virus is present. Unfortunately, for now, no vaccine is available to protect oneself from Zika. So the only mode of prevention remains is measures to prevent mosquito bite, like-

    • Using mosquito repellent creams or sprays as and when needed
    • Wearing full sleeve tops, pants and keeping feet covered with shoes
    • Stay in air-conditioned places having doors and windows on

    Investigation Of Zika

    If you live in a place or travel frequently to a place where Zika is transmitted through mosquito bites than it is recommended to get yourself tested for it.

    Zika Treatment Advice

    Currently, there’s no medicine for Zika.

    If you’re diagnosed with it, few tests might be done to track your baby’s growth and further treatment depends on that accompanied with plenty of rest. Maintain fluid intake and medication to relieve your symptoms if you have any!


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