Yoga Asana's (Poses) for ...
Introducing yoga to your child at an early stage has it benefits. Yoga asana’s or poses helps to recover from asthma, weak Immunity & indigestion, developing concentration, fearlessness, sense of accomplishment and is quite enjoyable at the same time. Yoga is not just a fitness regime it is a way of life.
Today, we will discuss yoga asanas for asthma, building immunity and indigestion in children. Before we start, it is important to stress on the fact that these techniques should be practiced in the presence of a trained yoga instructor. In addition, please remember though yoga may help with these issues, it is not a miracle worker or a replacement for medication. Read: Must try Asthma and Respiratory Care during Diwali
Considering the rising levels of pollution in the air, asthma is becoming quite common in young children. Asthma is a condition that affects a person’s breathing. A child with asthma wheezes (make a whistling sound), coughs, and feels tightness in the chest. The deep breathing exercises in yoga helps us to use our lungs to their maximum capacity and also help us to learn breathing correctly. Yoga poses that helps relieve symptoms of asthma.
If your child has a weak immune system then the asanas mentioned here will surely help him or her. Experts say that by relaxing the nervous system, one can boost immunity. In order to build the immune system and improve sinus-related conditions, it is suggested that we focus on the thymus gland. Thymus gland is located in the chest and forms the central point of the immune system. Any posture in which we open the chest and breathe deeply stimulates the thymus gland and hence strengthens the immune system.
The most beneficial Yoga postures for this purpose are:
Indigestion is another problem that may affect your child. Though they are young to understand the basic concept of indigestion, they definitely do relate to low energy level and high irritability. Yoga has proved to be quite beneficial during indigestion, as it not only strengths and tones but also increases the metabolism of our children preventing recurrence of the issue...
These postures of yoga not only help the body in better digestion, it also makes the muscles of the intestine strong and rigid..
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