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Cancer Awareness Day 2020 – How To Early Detect, Prevent Cancer & Govt Schemes?

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Urvashi Shah


5 years ago

Cancer Awareness Day 2020 – How To Early Detect, Prevent Cancer & Govt Schemes?

The World is celebrating Cancer Awareness Day on 4th Feb’ 2018 every year. Through this blog #Parentune is trying to encourage our parents towards how to proactively detect, prevent & take treatment to care cancer. Also, here we bring to you cancer schemes and initiatives by Government of India & other Indian states towards cancer prevention in its early stage.

World Cancer Day was founded by the Union for International Cancer Control to support the goals of the World Cancer Declaration, written in 2008. This World Cancer Day, get aware about this disease. Be a part of some seminar or a group and be enlightened about cancer; the various causes, its detection and treatment. The Mantra is: Prevention is better than cure.

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    What Is Cancer?

    Cancer is defined as an unrestricted outgrowth of cells which divide and multiply and start growing in to a lump. These lumps are often non-malignant which cause no harm but at times they grow into a malignant form which can also be fatal if detected at a later stage. UPDATE: Childhood Cancer Awareness Day 2019 – Early Stage Prevention & Treatment


    Cancer Signs & Symptoms

    Any type of cancer has four stages and can be cured if detected in the first or second stage. In order to detect cancer, one must be aware of the following signs-

    • A lump or a swelling
    • A sore throat which doesn’t heal
    • A sudden change in a mole
    • Unusual bleeding or discharge
    • Change in bladder or bowel movement.

    If an individual suspects any of the above mentioned signs, immediate medical intervention must be acquired. There are various tests available for detection of cancer such as PAP smear, FNAC, VIA (Visual inspection with acetic acid for cervical cancer), ultrasound and mammography. Mammography is for detection of cancer in breasts. Cervical cancer is on the rise among women in India, and PAP smear test is done for its early detection. Read More 10 Must Know Facts about Breast Cancer

    Self-examination of lumps or ulcers in mouth or genitals is helpful in detecting cancer. Chewing of gutka, pan masala, tobacco, and smoking are also the leading causes of cancer of mouth, throat, food pipe, stomach, liver, and lungs. Immoral or genetical sex might lead to an HIV infection which can cause cervix cancer.

    How World Cancer Day is Celebrated?

    World Cancer Day is celebrated on 4th February every year to commemorate all the efforts done by the WHO, United Nations, governmental and non-governmental health organizations towards making the strategy to fight against cancer, spreading messages about this epidemic disease and its treatment including its precautionary measures by uniting all the people on a global basis. [Also Know: How to Be safe from Nipah Virus

    It is celebrated to plan new strategies and implement new programs to make people even more aware of this disease. This event is organized on annual basis under the supervision of Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) and other leading health organizations involved for cancer-fighting.

    To enlighten people through messages about cancer awareness and its prevention, the leading health organizations, as well as non-governmental organizations, take part by organizing the camps, awareness programs, rallies, lectures, and seminars. Common people being the main target, the event’s celebration is to highlight the spreading of the message of the disease to get more control over the same.

    Risks Factors Causing Cancer

    A particular theme dominates the event where people are made aware about the risk factors causing the cancer such as tobacco use, overweight or obese, low fruit or vegetable intake, less or no physical activity, alcohol use, sexual transmission of HPV-infection, urban areas air pollution, indoor smoke, genetically risk factors, overexposure to sunlight and etc. People are also getting aware of the vaccination method against the human papillomavirus and hepatitis B virus.,/p>

    The government of India Cancer Prevention Schemes

    Certain Government schemes are also available which support certain people for cancer treatment. These are the following schemes available for cancer patients-

    • The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Scheme- It offers financial aid to poor patients. The Health Minister’s Cancer Patient Fund (HMCPF) is available for patients living below the poverty line. This is admissible for treatment in 27 regional cancer centers in the country.
    • Grants Being Offered- The Health Minister’s Discretionary Grants offers up to a maximum of Rs. 50,000 to poor patients in regards to assistance with a part of the hospitalization or treatment in government hospitals in cases where free medical facilities aren’t available.
    • Schemes for Retired Officials-The Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) is applicable for retired Central Government employees and dependents, which cover cancer treatment at approved rates from any hospital, apart from the hospitals set up under CGHS.
    • Free Travels-Railways offers completely free travel to cancer patients while the bystander has to pay only 25% of Class II fare. Air concession of 50% is offered to patients traveling for their treatment.

    State Government Sponsored Schemes towards Cancer Prevention

    • Aarogyasri Scheme: Introduced by the Government of Telangana, this scheme provides financial aid to families living below poverty line of up to Rs. 2 lakhs in one year for treatment of serious ailments that require hospitalization and even surgery. Of the 938 treatments included in this scheme, cancer treatment is one of them and covers surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.
    • Cancer Suraksha Scheme: The government of Kerala, offers the Cancer Suraksha Scheme, under which children below 18 years of age can avail free cancer treatment through some designated government hospitals in the state.
    • Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Jan Arogya Yojana: The state of Maharashtra offers this scheme where 971 surgeries or procedures are covered for those holding yellow ration cards, Antyodaya Anna Yojana card (AAY), Annapurna card and orange ration card. The Scheme provides coverage for meeting all expenses related to the hospitalization of beneficiary up to Rs. 1,50,000 per family, per year.

    What are the Types of Cancer?

    Cancer has various types ranging from, bladder cancer, breast cancer, colon and rectal cancer, endometrial cancer, renal cancer, leukemia, lung cancer, melanoma, lymphoma, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, thyroid cancer and many more. The incidence of cancer and cancer types are influenced by many factors such as age, gender, race, local environmental factors, diet, and genetics.

    Childhood Cancer Awareness Day 2018 – Early Stage Prevention & Treatment

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