1. What If Delivering in Win ...

What If Delivering in Winter? Precautions If Delivering in Winters


Ambili S Kartha


5 years ago

What If Delivering in Winter? Precautions If Delivering in Winters

Pregnancy is the most precious moment for any woman in her whole life. So, every mom-to-be should be very careful especially if pregnancy is due in the winter season. What if you having your third trimester during winter? Do you wonder if the season has an impact on your delivery? What to expect when your third trimester is during winter? 

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This article throws some light on some facts and information you need to know if you are delivering in winter. Read what to take care of if the delivery date due in November to February. So, keep seeking solutions and precautions to take when you are delivering in the winter season.

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    Does Delivering in Winter Affect The Newborn's Health?

    Yes. Studies have shown that delivering in winter can adversely influence the health of the newborn. It is true that during winter, the cooler outer atmosphere may balance out your growing internal body temperature.

    However, here are precautionary measures you'll have to take to remain healthy and comfortable during and after delivery. Check below 

    1. Skin Care: During winter due to low humidity and frosty air, the stretched skin of the pregnant woman who gets into her final weeks of gestation tends to be more itchy and flaky. To avoid this, it is recommended to take an oatmeal bath, apply deep moisturizing lotions, take a bath in lukewarm water, use mild soaps, etc. Also, drink plenty of water
    2. Prevent Flu: Due to several reasons, flu infection peaks during the winter season. Mother approaching her due date is more vulnerable to flu. Not only have the pregnant women who get the flu posses risks for serious complications. The newborns are also more likely to get seriously ill or even die if they get the flu. The newborns can't get a flu shot until 6 months of age. However, if the mother gets the flu shot during pregnancy, she will pass antibodies to her baby that will protect the baby until they're old enough to get their own shot. The shot is safe to get at any point in pregnancy. So it is safe to take a flu shot before delivering in winter
    3. Preterm labor: If your due date is during winter, the chances are more for preterm delivery. Watch out for signs of labor way before the due date as the gestation time is around a week less than normal
    4. Postpartum Depression: In case the mother has a previous history of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), delivering in winter put her at a higher risk for postpartum depression
    5. Vitamin D Deficiency: Sunlight hours are very much reduced during the winter months. This can bring about vitamin D deficiency in mothers because they mostly spend time in indoor during winter due to chill climate. This will affect the health of the mother and the child
    6. Decreases the Chances of Postpartum Depression: An intriguing new study has shown that women who give birth in winter are less likely to suffer postpartum depression. The main reason for postpartum depression is the delivery will usually keep the mother away from outdoor activities and detains the mothers to indoor with the newborn babies. But when the delivery takes place in winter, this confine comes naturally rather than compelling. Moreover, during winter friends and family are more accessible and those gatherings provide greater psychological support for the new mother. This saves the mother from postpartum depression to a greater extends
    7. Increases Comfort Level: Towards the end of pregnancy, women experience various issues that make them less comfortable. They will feel overheated as their internal thermostat increases significantly. This makes them less comfortable to move about, affect their sleep, making them more irritated and anxious. Even air-conditioning won't help if the atmosphere is hot. On the other hand, if the due date is during winter, the cool weather helps to get better sleep, and the increase in the internal thermostat actually helps to remain warm (no question of overheat) on the chill atmosphere
    8. Due to less exposure to sunlight during winter, the mother can undergo vitamin D deficiency. If the mother experience vitamin D deficiency, the child has a higher risk of experiencing atopic dermatitis (AD) in early childhood
    9. Winter can have a negative effect on the newborn's lung health. Winter-born babies are found to be more prone to respiratory issues during later stages of life. This is mainly due to three reasons.
    10. Winter children also suffer a higher rate of respiratory infections in the first few months of life which may lead to problems with later lung development
    11. Low vitamin D levels in the mother that may be linked to children being more likely to have 'childhood wheeze and asthma'
    12. The babies born in winter are exposed to viral infections or allergens while in the womb as their mother is exposed to the extreme climatic condition
    13. During winter parents have a tendency to over bundle the baby thinking that cold weather harms them. Actually, too many layers of clothing next to too many layers of blankets pose a health risk for the newborn. Getting too hot, due to being over-bundled is associated with SIDS (Sudden infant death syndrome).


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