Baby’s Head is Hot, But N ...
Baby’s Head is Hot, But No Fever: Causes, Solution, When to See a Doctor

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Parents, especially new parents, tend to worry about anything that appears unusual regarding the health of the baby. I still remember when my daughter was just a baby, how much I worried when I noticed her head and forehead is hot, but her body temperature appears normal. She appeared healthy and active, as well. She had breast milk as usual as well. No signs of illness. I didn’t understand why it was so. Immediately I discussed it with my uncle, who is a leading paediatrician. He told me there is no reason to get panicked. At the same time, he also explains the reasons why one should not overlook such a situation. Believe me, this is quite a common concern among many parents.
Continue reading to understand various reasons why your baby’s head is hot and ways to prevent it and how to deal with it. Babies Cannot Regulate Their Body Temperature?
Little babies will not be able to regulate their heat production and sustain it at 37°C as in the case of adults. This is because their thermoregulation system is still underdeveloped. Body fat in babies is relatively very low, and they have more body water, and their skin is also not fully developed with enough sweat glands. All these factors make the baby get hot and cold very fast than adults. As a result, instead of 37°C, the normal baby temperature of the baby can vary from 36.5°C to 37.5°C. Therefore, any source of heat and cold, when placed closer to the baby, may affect the normal body temperature of the baby.
Reasons Why a Baby's Head Gets Hot
Usually, a baby's head will feel warmer than the body due to the underdeveloped thermoregulation system. The thermoregulation system is a system or a process that helps the body to regulate the internal body temperature.
Here are some reasons why the baby's head is hot, but she has no fever:
1. Outside Weather
Outside weather plays an important role in maintaining the baby's body temperature. Baby getting exposed to sunlight for a long time while being outside or even if you suddenly take him out of the air-conditioned room to hot weather, it can lead to a hot head in babies.
2. Too Many Clothes
Babies lose heat from their heads. If you make your baby wear warm clothes, the heat gets trapped making the body warmer. As the overall body temperature increases, the heat tends to escape from the head. This can lead to the ‘hot head’. Even during winter, covering the baby with warm clothes can make the body warmer than usual; can lead to a hot head but no fever.
3. Teething
Teething is one of the most common reasons for the baby to get a hot head without fever. Teething can happen as early as two months. However, the first teeth generally will not show up prior to six months. The anxiety, irritation, and stress the baby feels due to teething can bring about the hot head but no fever.
4. Your Baby Is Excited
If the baby is too excited and active and moves around a lot to explore the surroundings, it can lead to a hothead, without any fever. Just like exercising increases the blood circulation and the overall temperature of the body, moving around a lot increases blood circulation to the head along with raising the overall temperature of the body.
5. Positioning
If the baby sleeps for a longer time on the bed or crib, it can lead to a hothead. This is because the blood flow towards the head increases while sleeping in certain positions.
6. Extreme Crying
When babies cry too much, their body temperature tends to rise. Excessive crying, thus, might bring about a hothead. Even though the child may cry excessively even due to not serious issues like colic, excessive crying should be checked by your baby’s doctor. Even though not infection or fever, it can be something that needs to be addressed.
What Are the Measures to Take?
Usually, a hothead without fever is nothing much to worry about, and you don’t need to take him to the doctor as soon as you notice it. However, on the other hand, you do have to take some necessary steps to cool your little one down quickly.
Take all measures to keep your baby cool. Never expose them to direct sunlight or harsh weather. If you are planning to take the baby for a walk, plan it in the morning (6 tpm9 am) or evening (after 4 30 pm).
Make your baby wear light cotton clothes. Even during winters, make your baby wear just as many layers as you are wearing yourself. You can add or remove the layers according to your needs.
During the daytime, instead of allowing the baby to remain in the crib or bed, take him out and move around or change the position frequently.
Make sure your baby's room is properly ventilated.
In case the baby is excited, try to calm him down. You can hum a lullaby, read or talk in a soothing voice, take your baby in your arms and stay close, and try to give a nice snooze.
Paracetamol syrup and teething gels help to soothe the teething process. Also, if your baby’s head appears hot and sweaty due to teething, giving a baby teether helps to provide more relief.
When To See The Doctor?
A hot head or warm forehead are more likely not dangerous, and it is more often due to the underdeveloped thermoregulation system. You will be able to regulate it by following the adequate steps explained above. However, you should see your doctor if your baby:
seems hotter than usual and is distressed or extremely restless.
shows other signs of fever.
shows signs of dehydration like vomiting, diarrhoea.
is less than two months and feels very hot, you should take the baby as soon as possible to the doctor.
still feels hot even after you have tried to cool him down using any of the measures explained above.
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