1. Why Is Fibre Rich Food A ...

Why Is Fibre Rich Food A Must For Your Child

All age groups

Sheena Singh


3 years ago

Why Is Fibre Rich Food A Must For Your Child
Food habits
Food plan
Food for Growth

Fibre is good for us but we always don't know why it is so? The benefits coming from the diet and rest in fibre is so much that we must study…  or we must have some knowledge about it.

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    Fibre slows the rate at which the sugar is absorbed into the bloodstream of a human. As we eat fibre rich food like beans or whole grains, the sugar in the food is absorbed slowly which keeps the blood glucose level at a lower level. 

    This is good for those people who are suffering from diabetes because it can make feel you hungry and after eating it leads to overeating. 

    Fibre makes your intestine move faster. When you eat insoluble fibre-rich grains, the food particles in your intestine move faster, which can help signal you that your tummy is full. 

    Fibre cleans the colon area because of its scrub brush effect. 

    Fibre helps to clean out the bacteria and the other buildups which are there in the intestine. It reduces the risk of colon cancer which happens due to stagnation in the intestine. Fibre helps you to keep your regular in your bowel movements. The high fibre diet helps you have soft and regular bowel movements and reduces constipation your baby’s food. 

    What should you do to add fibre in your baby’s diet

    As you know the benefits of the fibre are so many that it helps the children to have a better health.  It is the duty of the kitchen manager to add dietary fibre to the diet of the children.

    For this, as we know the fibre is found in bread cereals and other grains,  we must include 

    Whole-grain bread to the servings of the children. It should be at least 3 grams of fibre per serving 

    Cereals must be given to the children as it contains high fibre. You can get it from whole grains and rolled oats.

    Brown Rice is brown because it still has husk and this means you have fibre, which has not been removed. So it is a very good source of fibre for a child.

    Beans and Legumes also are a very great source of fibre and protein. 

    Fruits and Vegetables always contain fibre that is the reason why eating fruit is much healthier than drinking juices. Juice doesn't contain fibre. They are just the liquid or the watery content of the fruit.

    Why Fibre should be given

    There are a lot of reasons to encourage fibre in a child diet because to make sure that you get enough of it to your child for making it shorter and simpler. 

    It has two basic reasons for us to eat fibre

    • Fibre is filling and it prevents diabetes.

    • Helps digestion and prevents constipation.

    • Clears the colonial track.

    It keeps your digestive tract moving along in a gradual way side-by-side cleaning process is also done in the interiors of the intestine.

    10 High Fibre Food that your kid will actually want to eat

    In fact, it is not very easy for a parent to make your child eat what they should eat because they are simply picky eaters. Families don't realize the link between the Fibre and the digestion. So they keep on feeding their babies, which should be avoided. But, for the sake of the child, that they should eat something, they are given whatever they like to eat, not what they should eat. 

    For ages of 7 - 11 years, it should get 14 to 31 grams of fibre a day. 

    The high fibre food they actually should eat the best source of fibre are:-

    Whole Grain Foods

    You can have them in a very tasty way by providing them in the form of bread, cereal crumbs, brown rice etc 


    Start your child's morning with oatmeal. Around 4 grams of fibre per cup is available in a cooked yummy hot oatmeal breakfast. You can add cinnamon, maple syrup and raisins to make it more delicious.


    Every child loves crunchy apples. Every apple has 3.6 grams of fibre which is really very necessary for a child to go for the day. You can add peanut butter to make it more irresistible for a child to eat. 


    Family movie night is not the time when you are required to eat popcorn. It can be given at any time of the day. 2 grams of fibre is always available in three cups of popped popcorn.


    Carrot is a vegetable which kids can be given as finger food while they are studying or as a salad with lunch. It has 2.9 grams of fibre in every half cup of carrot.


    With 3.1 gram of fibre, a medium-sized banana is a great snack to be given during the afternoons.

    Whole Grain Bread 

    Whole-grain bread with an average of 2 grams of fibre can be given to a child with the meal during lunch or dinner.


    Raspberries, blueberries and strawberries, most of them have around 1.8 grams to 4 grams fibre per half-cup.

    Whole Grain Pasta / Homemade Macaroni 

    In dinner, it is a very good source of Fibre for a child as it contains 2 grams of fibre per half-cup.


    One of the best treat for us which can provide 5 grams of fibre with every medium-sized pear. 

    Sweet potatoes 

    3.8 grams of fibre is minimum that is being supplied by the medium-size sweet potato which can be a tasty salad or mix fruit eatable as a snack.

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