1. Why Does A Baby Spit Up C ...

Why Does A Baby Spit Up Curdled Milk - All About Infant Acid Reflux

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Why Does A Baby Spit Up Curdled Milk - All About Infant Acid Reflux

Only For Pro


Reviewed by expert panel

Dr. Nida Asif


Wondering why your baby spits up curdled milk post feeding? It is due to infant acid reflux. 

Just like adults, babies can get acid reflux too and this is one of the reasons why you would see a baby spitting up curdled milk after feeding. The problem is very common in babies during their first year and it is not usually a cause of concern if your little one’s growth is not hindered. However, if the problem is very frequent and interfering with your baby’s growth and weight gain, it calls for immediate medical intervention. Reading this blog will help you understand all about acid reflux in babies and how you can manage it. 

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    Acid Reflux In Babies 

    Acid reflux or GER (Gastroesophageal reflux) is a condition marked by regurgitation or spitting up of curdled milk or baby food shortly after feeding. This happens due to the backward flow of the stomach contents into the oesophagus (food pipe). It is more frequently seen in babies who are under 4 months old and typically resolves by the time they reach 12 to 18 months of age, it goes away. In very rare cases, if the condition is severe, it can negatively impact the baby’s ability to grow and put on a healthy weight. 

    Spitting up during or right after feeding

    If the baby spits up during feeding or right after finishing, the milk or formula does not have enough time to mix up with stomach acids and as such the texture of spit up is smooth. There is hardly any curdling. 

    Spitting up after some time has passed

    If the baby spits up after a brief gap of time, the milk or formula mixes up with the acids present in the baby’s stomach and hence you see curdled milk. 

    What Causes Spit-Up In Babies?

    There are three main causes of spit-up in babies. These are:

    Swallowing Air While Breastfeeding/Bottle Feeding

    It is very normal and natural for babies to swallow air while they are breastfeeding or bottle feeding and it generally happens when they are not latching properly. Once your baby learns to latch, this won’t be an issue. 

    Underdeveloped Digestive Tract

    Acid reflux is very common in babies primarily because their lower oesophageal sphincter, which is responsible for preventing the backward flow of stomach contents into the oesophagus, is not fully developed. 

    Feeding More Than Baby Can Handle 

    The size of a baby’s stomach is very small, so they tend to fill up very quickly. Acid reflux does not cause any pain or discomfort to the child as it is not the same as vomiting. Almost every baby does it and even multiple times in a day. 


    GERD In Babies

    Babies with GER are called “happy spitters” as they are completely healthy and do not experience any discomfort while spitting. However, if the child has GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) they are likely to experience pain & discomfort. They may also present with symptoms like coughing, choking, wheezing, and pneumonia in extreme cases. GERD is a chronic medical condition which can be seen in kids, as well as adults. The overall growth and development of babies with GERD is also hindered due to loss of nutrients. It is advisable to consult a specialist if:

    • The baby is projectile vomiting, which means that instead of spitting the contents out, it is being forcefully ejected. 

    • The curdled milk looks yellowish or greenish

    • The baby is cranky while having meals or right after 

    • The baby is over 6 months old and still throwing up very frequently.

    • If there are traces of blood in the baby’s stool

    • If the baby is arching their neck backward. 

    Tips To Prevent Spit-Up In Babies

    Here are a few tips that can prove to be helpful in preventing spit-ups. These are:

    • While you are feeding your baby, make sure they are in the upright or semi-upright position.

    • Instead of making them drink too much breastmilk or formula at once, try feeding them in smaller proportions. 

    • If your baby spits up after feeding formula, you may try using a different formula. It is advisable to consult a doctor before doing so. 

    • If nothing is helping, you can consider changing your own diet. For instance, some women found it helpful to reduce dairy intake. It might work for you too. However, make sure you keep your doctor in the loop. 

    • If you use a bottle to feed formula, make sure the nipple is neither too big nor too small.

    • Avoid any distractions during feeding and after feeding (at least 20 mins). 

    • Make it a habit to burp your baby after every feeding. This helps to eliminate excess gas and prevent spit up. 

    • Strictly avoid tummy time after feeding. There should be no pressure on your baby’s tummy. 

    If you wish to know more about acid reflux in babies and how it can be prevented, get in touch with our specialists.  


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