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A - Z Of Child Nutrition For Parents Of 0 - 5 Year Old

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6 months ago

A - Z Of Child Nutrition For Parents Of 0 - 5 Year Old
Nutritious foods
Food plan
Food for Growth

“Don’t feed your baby that, Try feeding them this”, You’ll hear this advice a lot during your baby’s early years. Changing diapers and sleepless nights might be tough, but the real challenge for parents of babies and toddlers often lies in providing adequate nutrition. Many parents struggle to ensure that their little ones are getting the right nutrition and while some turn to pediatricians and nutritionists, others often search online to find a solution that can satisfy their fussy eater’s nutritional needs. Recently we connected with some mothers and asked them how many days in a week they feel that their child did not get the right nutrition. While 50% of the mothers were sure that their babies were getting it every day, the other 50% felt that there were at least 2 days when their babies did not eat right.

Factors That Influence What We Feed Our Child

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    There are so many factors that influence what we feed our children. For instance, on days when we are busy and don’t have enough time, we might want to go with something quick and easy. Those who are vegetarian will primarily depend on veggies and fruits. Some might even prioritize meals based on region. For instance, in Kashmir, I’ve seen mothers feed noon chai (salted pink tea) and Kashmiri roti to their kids. While doctors advise against this for babies due to potential long-term health concerns, this practice is deeply rooted in the culture and followed by many mothers. 

    How To Plan Your Child’s Meals 

    The first and foremost thing that you need to focus on choosing meals for your little ones is their nutritional requirement and it may keep on changing as they grow. It is also important to understand that the nutritional requirements may vary from one child to another depending on factors like age, weight, and overall health. So it’s better that you don’t solely depend on online information and consult a specialist. 

    Here’s an infographic that will help you understand the ABCs of child nutrition and plan healthy meals for your little munchkin. 


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