1. Importance of Vitamin C f ...

Importance of Vitamin C for Your Child & Sources?

1 to 3 years

Puja Sharma Vasisht
5 years ago

Importance of Vitamin C for Your Child & Sources?

Curious "Why Does My Child Need Vitamin C?" One of the important vitamins that your child needs to be consuming daily is Vitamin C. Also known as ascorbic acid, Vitamin C has beneficial effects; it is an antioxidant, helps boost immunity, helps avoid common cold, and most importantly helps in iron absorption in the body.

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    Why Vitamin C is So Important in Child's Diet?

    Here you should look at few benefits of consuming vitamin c raw or in else:

    Good Anti-oxidant

    By acting as an antioxidant, Vitamin C helps in reducing the damage caused by free radicals. These free radicals are produced not only in our body,but also from the smoke and pollution surrounding us these days. By keeping up the intake of vitamin C in your child’s diet, you can help minimize the ill-effects of pollution to some extent.

    Good Immunity Booster

    Vitamin C plays a direct role in the immune system. Several cells, including phagocytes and t-cells, require Vitamin C to perform their tasks. Thus, a deficiency can result in reduced resistance against some pathogens, i.e disease-causing microbes.

    Provide Relief from Common Cold 

    Studies suggest that Vitamin C might shorten the duration of the common cold and may help reduce the severity of it.

    Healing in Wounds 

    Children fall while playing, ending up with injuries and bruises. Giving your child enough Vitamin C helps inwound healing, by helping in collagen formation. When this vitamin is deficient in the diet, tissues like collagen and intercellular cement are not formed fully, which delays wound healing.

    Iron Absorption Capacity 

    In our largely vegetarian population, iron deficiency anemia is quite common. Eating foods rich in Vitamin C along with iron rich foods helps in better absorption of iron from the food. Children need enough iron for proper growth and development and Vitamin C helps in that. Helpful Reading: What Signs Of Vitamin C Deficiency Should you Watch Out For?  


    How to Provide Enough Vitamin C?

    Since vitamin C is water soluble and easily destroyed by heat, the best vitamin c sources are fresh fruits and vegetables, eaten raw. Here are some good sources of vitamin c:

    Citrus fruits: Include at least one citrus fruit (like orange, kinu, mausambi or lemon) in your child’s daily diet.

    #ParentuneTip: The best way is to eat the fruits is as they are. You can even juice these and freeze them to get fresh juice ice lollies.

    Amla: The Indian gooseberry is one of the richest sources of vitamin C. Youcan include it in chutneys, juices etc.

    Other fruits & Vegetables: Guavas, grapes, strawberries, kiwis, and vegetables like capsicum, broccoli, and tomato are good sources of vitamin C. Add them to your child’s salad, pizzas, pastas etc.


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