Symptoms and Consequences ...
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that affects millions of children and often continues into adulthood. ADHD includes a combination of persistent problems, such as difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behaviour and other symptoms. In some cases, these symptoms sometimes lessen with age. In ADHD early diagnosis and treatment make a big difference in outcome. Usually, treatments in these conditions involve medications and behavioural interventions.
Dr Himani Khanna, Developmental Paediatrician at Artemis Health Institute, Gurgaon, shares with us some of the symptoms of ADHD. Dr Khanna reinforces the fact that ADHD is not a disability but it is a different ability. Let us find out.
What Are Signs & Symptoms of ADHD?
Data suggests that about 9 percent of school aged children are affected with ADHD. In this condition, the child will have inattention, poor impulse control, decreased self inhibitory capacity, motor / physical over activity and restlessness.
If the child consistently displays the following characteristics over a long period of time then consider this as a red flag:
A child showing ADHD symptoms should be assessed by a Developmental Pediatrician, who can then tell you the difference between the two. There are several tools , questionnaires and criteria available with an expert in the field to diagnose ADHD . Read How to Recover from ADHD & Treatment Options?.
ADHD can lead to academic under-achievement , problems with interpersonal relationship with family members and peer and children afflicted with ADHD may end up with low self esteem.
Early diagnosis will lead to early initiation of behavioural therapy. For preschool-age children (4–5 years of age) behavioural therapy is the main course of treatment. For elementary school–age children (6–11 years of age) and for adolescents (12–18 years of age) ADHD can be managed by a combination of medication and behaviour therapy both.
Parents need to act like an executive planner and organiser for the child. What parent neeed to do. Read below
Parents can help their children in improving their social skills and interactions. They can role play where they can teach children not to encourage or tolerate gestures like hitting, pushing, or yelling while playing. Also, they can reward the child with praises for good and desired behaviour.
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