Volvo Cars Spearheading T ...
Climate change is for real and is taking a toll on each of our health but it seems that we are not able to mobilize much to bring a positive change. Just blaming the Government isn’t going to help, if we need the change, we have got to be the change. Amidst the recent deterioration of the climate, which is adversely affecting our health, it is Volvo Cars who has taken up a unique initiative to change things in today for a better air to breathe, especially for the little ones - for our future. It is concerning how rising pollution has been affecting the children, and the recent death tolls reported from it. While the affluent strata found some relief in masks and air purifiers, have we given a thought for the underprivileged children who perhaps have been deprived of cleaner air to breathe due to their deprived living conditions. In the face of this adversity, it is really a feel-good to see how Volvo Cars has taken a stance to support the underprivileged children by creating affordable DIY air purifiers that will help the underprivileged to breathe clean air during the most polluted months in India. This air purifier is an investment for their better health and in a better future for all of us.
As the air pollution in our cities increase, the children are at risk the most, which also makes sense why parents prefer to keep their child indoors most of the time during such conditions. Apart from the Government doing its own bit and Volvo Cars being a helping hand in this initiative, there is some more that you too can do towards curbing the air pollution. Let us see what steps you can start taking to bring down the problem of air pollution and support this unique initiative by Volvo Cars.
Vacuum is the way: As our windows are kept open for most of the time, dust particles are bound to get in and settle in the upholstery. This causes the pollens to attack us and children having a developing immune system are more prone to various diseases. Hence, you must make sure to vacuum the house often in order to keep the dust away.
Bring the greens in: If you want an inexpensive method to filter the air in your home, the best way perhaps is to bring some plants home. Plants such as Tulsi, money plant and many others are known for their ability to suck up the toxins in the air along with dust and other allergens. Pot these plants close to the window, which will help keep the air clean to some extent.
Keeping the humidity away: Humidity allows for dust mites to thrive in your home and the best place for them to survive is the bathroom and kitchen. So you need to clean your kitchen and bathroom regularly and make use of exhaust fans to keep off the humidity.
Keep the floors clean: How many of us have the habit of removing the shoes inside the house? Guilty right? You need to keep the shoes out of the house and make sure that the floors remain clean throughout the day. Any sort of spillage has to be wiped out so no kind of bacteria thrives. If you have pets in the house their furies invite ticks and mites. Keep the house as well as the pets clean so that your children can breathe clean air with ease.
With these efforts from your side, you can also adopt a close-by neighbourhood, and help with awareness, especially in the underprivileged households, which in turn will help the environment to be cleaner and perhaps better air to breathe for them. You could do this to join the movement started by Volvo Cars. Just by taking baby steps, you could take this a long way.
Also, I should share here that apart from making DIY pocket-friendly air purifiers, Volvo is also aiming to make 50% of their car production into electric cars. By the year 2019, Volvo cars will be available as either mild hybrid, plug-in hybrid or battery electric. Volvo is turning the tide on air pollution with its #BreatheFree Campaign. Join the movement and do your bit by sharing about this initiative with more parents. Let’s be the change we want to see in this world.
Disclaimer: This blog is sponsored by Volvo Cars for their special #BreatheFree campaign where it is reaching out to you, to your cities, to your children to take small actions every day in order to roll back the slowly creeping decline in air quality across the globe.
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