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Twin Pregnancy Symptoms, Complications, Fetal Development Week by Week


Parentune Support
3 years ago

Twin Pregnancy Symptoms, Complications, Fetal Development Week by Week

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Pregnancy is always a beautiful thing for all the moms to be. And if it’s a twin pregnancy, then the celebration is obviously double. Sometimes a twin pregnancy just happens by chance while at times, some external factors play a role too. For example, in vitro fertilization or a prior history of having twins in the family increases the chance of twin pregnancy. Sometimes, the age and the hormonal imbalance of the mother can also lead to twin pregnancy. Whatever be the reason, the would-be-mom needs to be extra careful and take care of her health and the babies throughout her pregnancy to deliver healthy babies.

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Twin Pregnancy Signs & Symptoms

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    Usually twin pregnancy is detected on having an ultrasound. However, the most common twin pregnancy signs & symptoms for the first trimester may include extreme hunger, rapidly increasing uterus, often larger than what it is supposed to be for that date, weight gain, intense feeling of nausea and vomiting, sensitivity to particular smell or food which was absent before pregnancy, urinary frequency, too much of tenderness in the breasts, appetite fluctuations and often extreme tiredness.

    Twin Pregnancy Complications

    Being pregnant with twins is exciting news but there is high level of risk and complication associated with twins fetal development too. One of the most common problems is early birth and premature labor. In most cases, twins are born premature which means they are born before 37 weeks. Often premature babies are vulnerable as their organs are not developed completely. They are often born with low birth weight and are small. They need special care and help to catch up on their milestones. Mothers who conceive twins may develop gestational hypertension i.e. high blood pressure and needs to take a lot of care of their health.

    Week by Week Twin Fetal Development

    It is absolutely amazing how a tiny fertilized egg matures to an embryo and then develops into a baby. And if it’s twin then the fetal development is more delicate and the mother has to be extra cautious throughout her pregnancy. Here is a rough twin pregnancy week by week guide which will help you to understand how the development of twin pregnancy week by week happens. However, one should always remember that every pregnancy is unique and might not resemble with others.

    • 4 weeks – at this stage the neural tube and blood vessels are forming.
    • 8 weeks – organs develop and heartbeats of the fetus start
    • 12 weeks – liver and kidneys are becoming functional
    • 16 weeks – fetus are growing at a faster rate and your twins can be as long as 4 inches now
    • 20 weeks – nervous system is developing at a fast pace
    • 28 weeks – twins are now as big as 15 inches long and 2 pounds each on weight
    • 32 weeks – almost grown and look like newborns
    • 36 weeks – twins are now full term. In some cases twins are not as big as full term single infant but that is not true for all twin pregnancies.

    Twin pregnancy is a special moment in each couple’s life and the mother needs to take complete care of herself and her babies for a healthy parenthood ahead. Once your twin pregnancy is confirmed your doctor would be the best person to guide you through this.

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