1. 8 Ways To Deal With Toddl ...

8 Ways To Deal With Toddler Emergencies

1 to 3 years

Ambili S Kartha


4 years ago

8 Ways To Deal With Toddler Emergencies

In spite of parents being vigilant like hawks and putting in all their efforts in ensuring their home is child proof, emergencies may arise and toddlers may need special care in terms of first aid or being rushed to the medical practitioner. A few such emergency scenarios and ways to handle them have been discussed below.

8 Ways To Deal With Toddler Emergencies

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    1. Hot drink spills over on the toddler’s body: The extent of affected area is most important to be considered in this regard. If the cup of hot tea or coffee spills over the toddler in a sitting position such that it falls on the face, genitals or arms- It would be best to rip off clothes and give him a shower with cold water. If hot liquid spills over the forearm or any particular area, washing thoroughly under running water in a sink would serve the purpose. It would be best to keep the affected area under flowing cold water till the temperature cools down completely. An antibiotic cream or ointment may also be applied for superficial blisters or red skin. Wrapping with ice pack and towel would also provide instant relief. Visiting a paediatrician for further course of action should be done only after first aid is provided.Petroleum jelly, butter, mayonnaise, etc should be strictly avoided for toddlers as these would trap and hold the heat even closer to the skin
    2. Toddler gets bitten by a playmate: Toddlers do not realise the repercussions of hurting each other. A toddler may be bit by his playmate resulting in broken skin. One should ensure that the area is properly washed with soap and lukewarm water and cleaned with cotton. Once the affected area is cleaned an antibiotic ointment may be applied and bandaging should be done. If the toddler suffers pain because of the bite, any light pain killer may be given post discussion with the paediatrician. Human bites may also cause serious infections; hence the doctor may recommend oral antibiotics as well
    3. Covering affected area with sticking band aid or applying pain killer ointments should never be resorted to.
    4. A fall while walking or playing: Toddlers are prone to topple every now and then and these falls may result in lumps or bruises. It is best to apply ice if the child bangs any part of his body against the wall and develops swelling. In case of bleeding, cleaning the hurt area with antibiotic or antiseptic and then applying an ointment or cream is the best first aid practice. The child should be taken to a medical professional if the issue being faced prolongs. Such casual falls generally do not result in major injuries. Parents should be watchful about their children developing head trauma. A child should be rushed to a medical emergency room if symptoms like vomiting, drowsiness, nausea or headaches persist
    5. Allergic reactions developing in toddlers: Toddlers are likely to develop food allergies when different food types and varieties are introduced in their diet. Parents need to be watchful and look out for any changes or abnormalities in a toddler’s behaviours after anything new is introduced. Symptoms like sleeplessness, sleepiness and simple rashes that may develop with intake of certain foods generally subside shortly and may not require special attention. Small doses of medicine prescribed by paediatrician may also help in such situations. Severe allergic reactions may also lead to life threatening situations and may hence necessitate the requirement of being rushed to the hospital. Any observation regarding child facing difficulty in breathing, developing widespread rashes or major swellings should be brought to the paediatrician’s notice immediately
    6. Toddlers may experience choking: Toddlers should generally be fed with very small bites of food. Sometimes even small bites may get stuck and result in choking. Besides, babies have a tendency to put small things like toys, plastic lids, etc. in their mouths. These objects might get stuck and result in choking in toddlers. A good cough is generally enough to get this out. Best practice would be to hold the child in head down position for a few seconds and pat his back between the shoulders. This would generally serve the purpose and help in getting comfort to the baby. However, if this does not help and the child develops breathlessness, medical help should be sought for urgently
    7. Toddler bites his own tongue while playing or eating: A toddler may accidentally bite his own tongue resulting in acute discomfort and a lot of bleeding. The best practice in such a situation is to use a damp cloth to apply direct pressure on the affected area. Bleeding generally lasts for ten to fifteen minutes and coping up with toddler’s pain, cry and reaction till then may pose to be a challenge. Tooth paste may also be applied in little quantities for cooling effect. In case bleeding persists after an hour or so rushing to a doctor would be the best option. Toddlers generally have resilient tongues and the healing is much faster in their case than in adults. Lots of liquids preferably cold ones should be offered at this hour. Intake of cold fruit smoothies and ice cream can also be very comforting. However acidic and salty foods should be avoided as these may cause further pain and inflammation
    8. Kitchen emergencies and electric sockets: Your inquisitive toddler will be exploring lots of things either in the kitchen or in the living room. And one of the favourite activity of any toddler is to poke his or her finger in the electric socket. Yes, he or she would love to do it. So what do you do – either switch off the mains (so there is no electricity in the entire house – not possible or tape the socket if it is not used that often). In case you use the socket often enough then it would be better to hide it behind a furniture
    9. Toddler gets poked in his or her eye: Ouch! That’s scary but worry not as we have you covered on that one too. If it’s a minor poke, holding a cloth with heated surface very close to the eye would provide instant relief. Prying into the eye looking for an injury, putting ice, rubbing the eye hard or applying pressure should be refrained from as these could aggravate the problem. If the poke seems to be serious causing bleeding or resulting in inability of the child to open his eye, you should immediately seek a doctor’s help

    These are some of the toddler emergencies you may have to watch out for at your home.

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