1. Age-wise Dyslexia Signs & ...

Age-wise Dyslexia Signs & Symptoms, Techniques to Handle Dyslexic Child

3 to 7 years

Sugandha Tiwari


2 years ago

Age-wise Dyslexia Signs & Symptoms, Techniques to Handle Dyslexic Child

What is Dyslexia?

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Dyslexia is a lifelong condition. Its symptoms may differ from one child to another. Read on to know more about the causes, age-wise signs & symptoms and treatment of Dyslexia. Dyslexia is a type of learning disability in reading. Children diagnosed with dyslexia have trouble reading accurately and fluently. They may also have trouble with reading comprehension, spellings, and writing. Know what causes dyslexia in children?

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    Dyslexia Sign & Symptoms Age-wise 

    It is a lifelong condition. Its symptoms may differ from one child to another. No two children will either have the same symptoms or the same intervention plan. One key and noticeable feature of dyslexia is trouble decoding words. “Decoding words is the ability to match letters to sounds and then use that skill to read words accurately and fluently”. The underlying factor for this trouble is often the associated struggle with auditory discrimination and phonemic awareness. “Phonemic awareness is the ability to recognize individual sounds in words”. You must know typically dyslexia clinically gets diagnosed at the age of 7 years.


    • Has trouble recognizing whether two words rhyme
    • Struggles with taking away the beginning sound from a word
    • Struggles with learning new words
    • Has trouble recognizing letters and matching them to sounds
    • Your child frequently mispronounces simple words
    • Your child might struggle following simple instructions

    Primary Grade:

    • Has trouble taking away the middle sound from a word or blending several sounds to make a word
    • Often can’t recognize common sight words
    • Quickly forgets how to spell many of the words she/he studies
    • Gets tripped up by word problems in math
    • Your child can have trouble associating individual letters with their sounds
    • Your child may not generally like books or reading books.

    Middle Grade:

    • Makes many spelling errors
    • Frequently has to re-read sentences and passages
    • Reads at a lower academic level than how she/he speaks

    High-school Grade:

    • Often skips over small words when reading aloud
    • Doesn’t read at the expected grade level
    • Strongly prefers multiple-choice questions over fill-in-the-blank or short answer.


    Valuable Techniques to Handle Dyslexic Child

    If reading is a challenge for your child and very often he/she fails in this. Read these specific techniques to handle in the area of reading...

    • Try using storybooks with more big colorful pictures and less of text to read.
    • Ensure appropriate reading level books. Ladybird series is highly recommended.
    • Keep highlighting important information or vocabulary while reading; it could be dated, events name of characters etc.
    • Read turn wise, where you read the major part and your child only has to read a little, to begin with.
    • Whether you are reading a short story or long, always use a simple story map before and after reading to help in comprehending what is read.


    For children with dyslexia, there are some techniques that work well if implemented regularly. Read these activities to help your dyslexic child


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