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10 Tips to Say Goodbye Pre-Menstrual Syndrome(PMS) Bloating

11 to 16 years

Ambili S Kartha


3 months ago

10 Tips to Say Goodbye Pre-Menstrual Syndrome(PMS) Bloating

Wondering why your belly gets so much bigger before your period? Well, it is one of the most recurrent symptoms of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS). PMS Bloating makes the days before the periods relatively a rough stage. It will make you feel you have gained weight and your tummy is visibly larger.

What is Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (Period) Bloating?

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    Period bloating is when a woman feels her abdomen is heavy and swollen just before and at the start of her period. It may be accompanied by stomach cramps and backaches.

    What Causes PMS Bloating?

    Fluctuation in hormone level is the main reason for PMS bloating. About a week before a woman's period starts, a confluence of water-retaining factors happens.  To begin with, her estrogen level hikes during days before her period (at this point, the body retains more water), and then, just prior to her period, the progesterone (a hormone that is a diuretic, which helps to get rid of water from the body) level drops significantly. This brings about PMS bloating. [Know - 8 Tips to Beat Festival Bloating Detox]

    How to Get Rid of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome Bloating?

    The bad news is that you cannot steer clear of PMS bloating fully because the natural hormones are the major culprits of period bloat. However, the good news is, you can cut down other factors that contribute to bloating that may lessen its intensity. Here, pro-parent blogger offers some easy tips that may help get rid of PMS bloating.

    1. Eat Food High In Vitamins And Minerals: A diet loaded with minerals like calcium,  and magnesium, and  Vitamins like Vitamin E and B vitamins such as thiamin and riboflavin helps to bring down the PMS bloating. Foods like spinach, pumpkin seeds, and bananas are all high in magnesium. Avocado, sunflower seeds, and pistachios are rich in B vitamins.
    2. Gulp Apple Cider Vinegar:  It is proven that apple cider vinegar provides fast relief from the uncomfortable feeling of period bloating. Put in one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a tall glass of water and drink it before meals.
    3. Include Potassium Rich Food In Diet: Potassium helps in fluid regulation of the body. Therefore, eat foods with high potassium when you are nearing your periods. Eating asparagus, bananas, cantaloupe, tomatoes, and sweet potatoes will help to combat PMS bloating.
    4. Include Healthy Fats In Your Diet: Foods that have healthy fat include cheese, fatty fish, avocado, nuts, almonds, dark chocolates, chia seeds, etc. These foods actually can help lower the hormones that cause bloating.
    5. Stay Away From Food That Generates Gas: Gas generating foods are those contain a complex sugar called raffinose. We human beings do not have the enzyme to help break it down properly. Therefore eating such food which leads to gas and bloating. If you have PMS bloating. Avoid those foods completely from the diet at least when you enter your PSM phase. These categories include cruciferous vegetables, such as Cabbages, Turnips, Kale, and Broccoli, beans, lentils, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, lettuce, etc.
    6. Drink Plenty Of Water: This one sound ironical. However, staying well hydrated actually helps to combat water retention/bloating. This is because, with inadequate water in water in your system, your body tends to retain the water in your system, instead of letting flow through like normal. On the other hand, if your cells and tissues are well hydrated, they tend to push out all the excess water, thereby, brings down PMS bloating. 
    7. Exercise Helps: Working out is probably the last thing you feel like doing during periods. We know. However, sticking on to regular exercise is found to improve PMS bloating. Working out helps to increase blood circulation and helps with digestion. This will helps to alleviate bloating symptoms. Therefore never skip moderate physical activities during your periods.
    8. Big "No" to These:  Always say No to following things at least when your periods are nearing...
      • Carbonated drinks
      • Processed Sugar
      • Caffeine
      • Alcohol
      • Salty foods
      • Refined carbohydrates like white flour


    What Don't Avoid in Your Diet in Period Bloating?

    As a mother, you need to ensure that you or teenager girl don't forget to practice the following important things in your/her diet...

    1. Eat Smaller Meals: Big meals take a longer time to digest. As time increases, the undigested food begins to ferment, thereby, generating the gas. Therefore, try to lower the quantity and increase the frequency of your meal. By this means, you don’t have to compromise in your nourishment.
    2. Take Diuretics: Anything that increases the production of urine is referred to Diuretics. More urine production means moiré water is expelled from your system. Therefore, if you are looking to relieve period bloating, try these foods:
      • Ginger
      • Beets
      • Asparagus
      • Pineapples
      • Watermelon
      • Cranberries
      • Cucumber
      • Leeks
      • Celery     
      • Garlic
      • Parsley

    NOTE: Please note that diuretics are also available in pill form. Your physician will prescribe it if your period bloating is more severe and the above tips and home remedy fails.

    Is There Need to Consult Doctor in PMS Bloating?

    Bloating is not a medically intimidating issue. It is just a temporary affair. Once the woman gets two to three days into her period, the ovaries begin to generate supporting hormones n, which eventually brings down the bloating.  However, if your bloated tummy remains even long after your periods, we suggest you consult your doctor without delay. It can be a sign of some serious underlying issue. When it comes to health, never take chances.


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