10 Tips to Say Goodbye Pr ...
Wondering why your belly gets so much bigger before your period? Well, it is one of the most recurrent symptoms of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS). PMS Bloating makes the days before the periods relatively a rough stage. It will make you feel you have gained weight and your tummy is visibly larger.
Period bloating is when a woman feels her abdomen is heavy and swollen just before and at the start of her period. It may be accompanied by stomach cramps and backaches.
Fluctuation in hormone level is the main reason for PMS bloating. About a week before a woman's period starts, a confluence of water-retaining factors happens. To begin with, her estrogen level hikes during days before her period (at this point, the body retains more water), and then, just prior to her period, the progesterone (a hormone that is a diuretic, which helps to get rid of water from the body) level drops significantly. This brings about PMS bloating. [Know - 8 Tips to Beat Festival Bloating Detox]
The bad news is that you cannot steer clear of PMS bloating fully because the natural hormones are the major culprits of period bloat. However, the good news is, you can cut down other factors that contribute to bloating that may lessen its intensity. Here, pro-parent blogger offers some easy tips that may help get rid of PMS bloating.
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NOTE: Please note that diuretics are also available in pill form. Your physician will prescribe it if your period bloating is more severe and the above tips and home remedy fails.
Bloating is not a medically intimidating issue. It is just a temporary affair. Once the woman gets two to three days into her period, the ovaries begin to generate supporting hormones n, which eventually brings down the bloating. However, if your bloated tummy remains even long after your periods, we suggest you consult your doctor without delay. It can be a sign of some serious underlying issue. When it comes to health, never take chances.
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