1. Tips To Deal With A Highl ...

Tips To Deal With A Highly Emotional Child

3 to 7 years

Tasneem  Sariya


3 years ago

Tips To Deal With A Highly Emotional Child
Daily Tips
Social & Emotional

Dealing with an emotional child can be a little difficult, however, the sensitivity of the child is also in many ways one of its biggest strengths. A highly emotional child may succumb to crying bouts, might notice minute details that usually go unnoticed or may be perceived as shy or emotional by people. Such children usually are more aware and sensitive to their surroundings and their high emotional quotient may arise due to biological factors, their environment or their individual temperament. These children on the other hand, are usually intellectually developed and can show very genuine compassion at early age.

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How To Deal With A Highly Emotional Child

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    Out of the various ways to deal with highly emotional child, the first and foremost point to remember in the highly sensitive child parenting strategies is ‘validation’. As many experts believe, parents need to validate and accept their child’s behavior openly. Very often parents do not understand the kind of emotional venting that the child is comfortable with, creating a negative or harsh counter when the child reacts emotionally. Validating the emotional behavior is the first and one of the most important tips to handle highly emotional child.

    Simple tricks of validation include, telling your child that you understand his behavior rather than scolding him for being sissy, or telling him that you know why he is angry but cannot throw things around instead of shouting back at him or physically hitting him.

    Besides, let’s take a look at some other tips for helping kids handle their emotions -

    1. Look for creative ways to divert your child’s attention –

      When you see that your child is going through an emotional outburst, try and divert his attention through creative means, such as, drawing, storytelling, music or by simply hugging or kissing the child to sooth him
    2. Let the occasional outburst happen –

      It is alright to allow your child to hit the wall, scream or cry out loudly once in a while to vent out the emotional trauma. Curbing the emotions all the time will only lead to them building up more
    3. Lay the rules –

      You have to be an understanding parent, however, not a lenient one. Do not let your child get away with any kind of unwarranted behavior under the garb of an emotional outbreak. Lay the rules gently and explain to your kid that you understand that he might want to do something else, but at this time the rules you lay down should be followed. Again, explain to the child and help him differentiate good behavior from bad, without hurting his ego or self-esteem
    4. Teach them to express –

      It may be difficult for very little children to talk, however, as the child grows up, teach your kid to talk how he or she feels in words rather than throwing tantrums or crying. Explain to them the importance of showing their disapproval or anger through talks and words, rather than through violent or feeble ways. Anger management for children plays an important role here
    5. Early signs –

      You may be aware of the behavioral change in your child just before there is an emotional meltdown. The expression may change; there may be fidgeting, irritation or subtle whining. Try to identify these initial warning signs and then divert the attention of the child or talk him through to avoid a huge emotional outcry

    A highly emotional child is a blessing in many ways, because they make you smile with their adorable sense of sensitivity and care. However, at the same time it can be difficult to deal with a child who is constantly crying, being bullied or turns emotionally violent too often. As parents, you need to accept your child and show utmost care, respect and love to help and guide your kid to express and understand reality in the best possible way.

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