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12 Tips To Choose A Right Gynaecologist


Ambili S Kartha


1 weeks ago

12 Tips To Choose A Right Gynaecologist

Have you started thinking of having a baby? Or has the pregnancy test strip already shown the second line confirming your pregnancy? Either way, now you are starting a beautiful journey. One of the most important tasks in your to-do list is to pick the right gynecologist. This may take some time, but it is worth doing your research and choosing someone you feel absolutely comfortable with.

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12 Tips To Choose The Right Gynecologist

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    Pregnancy is a period that could drain you emotionally and physically. Mood swings, anxiety, and doubts will be your fellow travelers in this nine-month journey. Your gynecologist should be one who will boost or induce confidence in you, which will make the journey to hold your little bundle of joy as smooth as possible. So here are 12 tips that would help you choose your gynecologist.

    1. The reputation of the gynecologist: Reputation counts. You will be sharing the most important phase of your life, your sexuality, and your body with your gynecologist. You are emotionally and physically vulnerable during this phase. That is why most of the women form a bond with their gynecologist. Therefore, be scrupulous about values. Start checking from the hospitals that the doctor has been working for before you make your choice.
    2. Gender of the gynecologist: Many women prefer female gynecologists. However, you can also find a lot of male gynecologists who are equally good at this profession.
      1. A doctor should be chosen for their skill rather than gender. But, when it comes to pregnancy and delivery, it is you and your comfort that matters.
      2. If you are not at ease with a male doctor examining you and your private parts, always choose a female one. Remember, you don't have to go through an additional emotional turmoil during this phase.
    3. Qualification of the gynecologist: Chooses a gynecologist who is also an obstetrician. Also, depending on your pregnancy, you might want to pick a gynecologist who is specialized in high-risk pregnancies.
      1. The experience of gynecologist matters to a great extent, especially, when you're facing a high-risk pregnancy.
      2. Try to find out the success rate of the doctor in handling similar condition as yours. You should consider the hospital's credibility as well in this circumstance.
    4. Location of the gynecologist: Proximity is an important factor that should be considered while choosing a gynecologist.
      1. Your obstetrician preferably should be close to your home. during pregnancy, you might need to visit your doctor frequently.
      2. So easy availability of public transport and less commuting time are important factors.
      3. Proximity will also help when you go into labor. When the labor starts before the due date, less the traveling time, better.
    5. Reference: Visiting every doctor in town to pick the right one is not at all practical. So you can do the next best thing.
      1. First, you can ask health care providers for a referral list. Ask family, friends, relatives, colleagues, your partner's colleagues and neighbors for recommendations. If there is any name that pops up frequently, most probably that will be your gynecologist.
      2. Online searches also help to some extent. The reviews are not 100% reliable as not all the people considered same criteria in reviews. However, you can cross the names that carry a lot of negative reviews.
      3. Also, many state medical boards provide information on every registered practitioner and publish if there are any documented complaints against them
    6. Hospital quality: The reputation of the hospital where your doctor works also matters. After all, that is the place where you are going to give birth to your child.
      1. For this reason, consider the quality of care the hospital provides
      2. Double check if the hospital is well equipped and capable to deal any emergency situation. during pregnancy, labor, and delivery, any complication can happen at any time
      3. As they say, it's better to expect for unexpected issues. Make sure the hospital has a well-equipped neonatal care unit
    7. Insurance coverage: All insurance agencies don't cover all healing centers. In this way, check if your insurance strategy covers the clinic in which the gynecologist you pick is working. When you are hospitalized for delivery, most plans will have an "upper limit" that they will repay. Find out what is the upper limit of your plan and choose the hospital and gynecologist accordingly
    8. Availability of the gynecologist: Make sure the doctor you choose is available 24X7.
      1. Will the doctor be available on the phone or respond to your usual, non-emergency queries via SMS?
      2. Does the doctor attend all deliveries even if they are in the middle of the night?
      3. How long do you need to wait to get a non-routine appointment? How available is the gynecologist on weekends and after hours?
      4. Some doctors serve in more than one hospital. These factors need to be taken into consideration
    9. The patience of the gynecologist: This is one of the most important decisive factors, especially for the first-time mother-to-be.
      1. You need a gynecologist who is not always in a hurry to complete his scheduled appointments mechanically
      2. You need someone who answers your questions patiently no matter how minor it might sound
      3. You should be able to get rid of all the doubts and anxiety every time you leave his cabin
    10. Communication: You should be able to communicate well with your doctor. Both of you should have a common fluent language to communicate. This is relevant when you are in a new place with a language unfamiliar to you
    11. How expensive is the gynecologist: How much the gynecologist charge is also an important factor. The consultation charges matter, as it is not a one-time affair. The insurance schemes usually only cover hospitalization and so they will not help with the consultation costs. While choosing a doctor to verify if he or she suits your pocket
    12. Go with your instinct: What’s more, this is the most relevant one, over any other factors, while choosing your doctor who is going to be with you throughout your pregnancy. If you have a gut feeling against your choice, rethink. A couple of appointments with a gynecologist is by no means is an obligation to continue the same one. As already mentioned, your comfort level is above everything

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