How To Control Your Tempe ...
Shivani, mother of three-year-old Pia, was often given to outbursts of anger that seemed to be triggered at the drop of a hat. And when Shivani was angry, it was all irrational yelling at her child and power struggles. The one day when Shivani was on the phone speaking to her boss about a missed deadline, she saw Pia trying to religiously stuff raisins into the sofa cushion, and she lost it. She shouted angrily at Pia, to the point where Pia was sobbing and saying "Mama I'm scared. I'm sorry." This was the turning point in Shivani's life. She realized that unrelated stress was making her misdirect her anger at Pia all the time.
This isn't an uncommon situation in parenting. A parent will feel angry for various reasons, and anger can be healthy, too. Because when you don't express it, bottling it up can only lead to bitterness and resentment. However, what is not healthy is constant blowing up and yelling, or taking your anger towards something else on your child. And equally important, is realizing that more often than not, your child's "misbehavior" is just childish behavior. It isn't a personal affront to you, and it isn't meant to turn into a power struggle. Read on to find out how you can channel your anger when your child misbehaves.
Let's look at Shivani's example – she was on the phone, speaking to her boss about something that had obviously gone wrong at work. The stress, the anger and the anxiety were related to work. Shivani was going through a difficult time at work, with lay-offs and pay-cuts. She couldn't afford any missed deadlines, and she was afraid of losing her job. So this anxiety translated into anger when Pia did something that all children do. Yes, when a child does something that isn't acceptable in a situation, a parent must correct her. But an emotional outburst is hardly going to do the trick. Here are some reasons why a parent has these outbursts.
Identifying what is making you angry is the first step towards controlling your temper, and channeling that energy positively.
While yes, it is important to put a finger on why you're actually yelling at your child, it is equally important to correct your child's behavior if it is unacceptable or causing harm to him, others or property. However, it does matter how you do this. Here are some tips to help you keep your temper in check when your child misbehaves.
Anger is a part of parenting, or any relationship. What you do with your anger has a big impact on your relationship with your child. So take a deep breath, and tell yourself that you can get through this. Happy Parenting!
How do you control your temper when your child misbehaves? Share your tips with us in the comments section!
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