1. 6 Stranger Danger Safety ...

6 Stranger Danger Safety Tips to Ensure Child Safety When Alone

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Bhavana Srivastava
2 years ago

6 Stranger Danger Safety Tips to Ensure Child Safety When Alone
Safety at School

"Parenting as I remember was never so challenging," said my mom to me. Of course there were issues back then but not as stark and scary as the ones we have now. Today, the worst kind of fear that plagues all parents is of not knowing whether their child is safe alone or not especially at a place where he or she is supposed to be the safest.

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Yes, I am talking about children being safe in schools. With the recent issues that have happened to innocent children, it is only natural that parents worry for their child's safety. However, for both your peace of mind as parents and child's safety sake, won't it be better if we teach our children how to be safety smart and how to handle a particular situation and how to overcome a difficult situation?

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    Well my blog is just a small effort in ensuring that we teach our children few basic things so that they stay safe not just in schools but anywhere be it public or home.

    Stranger safety tips for children

    How To Ensure That Your Child Is Safe When Alone?

    There are different ways to ensure that your child is safe even when alone by teaching him or her below-mentioned things.

    1. Teach them who strangers are: Most kids think bad looking people are strangers and good looking are with someone they can approach. But this is not true. Teach them that good looking people can have bad intensions too. However remind them that all strangers are not bad. In case they are lost and alone, they must approach a stranger to ask for help.
    2. Safety Circle: It's important that children approach the right person. Let them know about their safety circle that includes adults whom the child can trust. Parents, grandparents, reliable neighbours and few close and trusted relatives are the safe people to go to in any situation.
    3. Recognizing dangerous situation: Teach your children how to recognize the situation in which they need to be alert. Situations like

      Tell your child to make noise as that will put the attacker in a difficult situation

      • If stranger ask them for candies, sweets money
      • If someone tells to disobey your parents and go against their parent wishes
      • Ask them to keep a secret
      • If someone behaves inappropriately like physical touch are example of when they need extra careful
    4. Awareness: As parent with a young child its important to know your child friend circle, talk them, call them for get together at home, child activities on web, check their mails ,social account and phone. Keep a monitoring eye on your child's activities.
    5. Encourage group activities: Most adverse situation can be avoided if one is in group,alone made for easier target. Encourage your child to be with group. There's always safety in numbers. The recent incident that shook the entire nation may have had a different outcome if the child was accompanied by other children. Who knows? But we can teach our child to never venture out alone.  
    6. Good touch and bad touch: Teach your child about good touch and bad touch. You can show videos where the child is being physically abused and the child had courage to share it with her parents.

    Listen what experts talks about child safety:

    The safety of our child is in our hands, let's ensure that we teach them to be safety smart in any given situation.

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