Is It Safe to Eat Spicy F ...
Do you often have a craving to have something spicy while you are breastfeeding your baby? But you are advised not to have too much of spicy food or rather avoid it altogether. So let’s see why should you avoid spicy food while breastfeeding.
Yes. The studies have proven that strong spices and its flavor influence the smell and the taste of the breast milk. According to ABC News,
Also, according to the book, Breastfeeding and Human Lactation, by Jan Riordan and Karen Wambach, consumption of garlic while lactating, gives mother's milk a garlic flavor. It also said that some babies prefer this flavored milk and thus, they drink more milk after their mother eats some strong garlic-flavored food. It also proved that including garlic in the diet of the mother can boost the baby's appetite.
There is no relevant affirmation that the spicy food will harm your baby. However, consider that the baby's organs and their functioning are underdeveloped to a great extent during the initial months. Therefore, some foods that get passed to the baby through breast milk may be difficult for him to digest and assimilate. This can create issues. Your baby may experience several potential negative effects if you include a lot of spicy food in your diet while breastfeeding.
Here are a few possibilities.
If the mother eats spicy food and the baby develops following signs after being breastfed, we can assume the spicy food is affecting the baby.
In spite of the fact that spicy food creates some issues in the breastfed baby, there are also some positive outcomes...
Concluding it down to the following points below...
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