Weaning off Baby from Bre ...
You know that your milk is the best food your baby can have. You also feel immense pleasure mixed with pride while you breastfeed your baby. However, at the same time, you do realize that there comes a time (an age) when you should start thinking about putting a complete end or to use any kind of femite solution to stop breastfeeding completely. And this is where the struggle begins. This is where the child becomes all the more demanding and looks for ways she can coax mommy to breastfeed her. However, you need to remember that no matter how much coaxing she does, you are not to give in to her demands if you want this whole ‘stop breastfeeding' program to succeed.
Doctors around the globe agree that breastmilk is the perfect food for your baby until the age of 6 months. As your baby starts to explore solids and different foods after her half birthday, she may just skip a feed here and there in a day, though milk still forms a major constituent of her diet. However, by the time she is a year old, she can get all her nutrition from breastmilk and you may decide to wean her off. If you have decided to wean off the baby earlier than 1 year or applying femite lotion etc, you will have to transition her to having formula milk, though you may also combine breastfeeding with formula. However, when you decide to wean your baby is an entirely personal choice, and giving it up may be somewhat emotional as well. That being said, most mothers feel happy to get their bodies back to themselves, and if you are worried about your bond with the baby, let me assure you it is just the beginning of a very special relationship.
Mostly, by age 1 a child starts to get most of the nutrition from other foods she is eating. She may be taking in a variety of foods every day leaving her less interested in breastmilk, and she may give it up on her own. This is also known as baby-led weaning, that is, when the baby decides to let go of the breast. If you would like to wean her earlier than 1 year, her diet would need to be supplemented by formula milk. The weaning breastfeeding process needs to be slow and gradual, because to a baby, breastfeeding is much more than just food – it gives her a sense of comfort, security and a feeling of closeness with you.
To wean your baby from night time breastfeeding, you need to ensure that the baby is not going through some transition phase, like teething or a new location, etc. Offer her plenty to eat throughout the day and give her extra feedings in the evening, so that she is full when she actually goes to bed. When the baby cries at night, get your spouse to comfort her, as your touch or smell can make her seek your feed with much more force. Gradually starting with one feed at a time, gently soothe and comfort her, though being firm at times also helps. Read More: How to Boost Immune System while Breastfeeding
Still, wondering how will it succeed? Just relax and read what most pro-parent has to say on the topic. Read this
These are some tried and tested tips by me to stop breastfeeding. Do you have some more? If yes, then please do share them with us in the comments section below to make this blog more useful for all those moms who want to stop breastfeeding but are unable to do so for various reasons.
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