Single Parenting Challeng ...
Only For Pro
Reviewed by expert panel
Single Parenting perhaps has its own set of unique challenges. Single parenthood can be a tightrope walk. It can be challenging and exhausting at the same time. Creating a good work-life balance perhaps is the key. Sleeping disorder is disturbed across all age groups. As a practice, I abstain from generalizing or being prescriptive. As you read on, you may find some specific instances & related tips, especially if you are a single parent. These are based on our research experience of working with single parents and constant interventions at parentune. Parenting is at times confused with parental control. In fact, the real challenge in parenting lies in understanding our children and being proactive rather than being reactive to situations. Each parenting disposition then is unique; Single Parenting perhaps has its own unique challenges.
Adolescents often react emotionally and at times find it impossible to strike a balance with their emotions. They show extreme reactions like, “You are ruining my life.” “You are just selfish”; “This is Unfair!” Anjum, a Single Parent, and mother of two daughters shared that her daughter (11 yrs old ) showed psychosomatic symptoms almost after one and a half years of her father passing away, she would get stomach aches ( the doctors could not find anything wrong with her physically), which were a manifestation of her emotional trauma. With some significant help from her school counselors, love and support from her mother, she finally overcame her trauma but it took her almost a year to do so. This is just not limited to an age group. Even college adults may react rationally on the surface but still may have strong suppressed reactions. Read below...
Children show diverse reactions; some cry briefly, others behave like they didn’t hear it. Some process a difficult situation through play. Shipra, a single parent of a 3-year-old daughter shared her experience. She said, “The separation from her father was an unpleasant event for their daughter-but not because she missed her father, perhaps more so because she apprehended violence from him. It made her emotionally vulnerable and frightened. Thankfully, that was only for the first few months. The fact that it was just she and I, who had to deal with our lives and household, meant that I would help her to be independent and share the chores early on. I am glad to say that she has grown up, (priceless expression from Shipra)…..she's 15 now! To be a confident teenager who’s equally comfortable with adults and her peer group. The impact that it has perhaps left on her is reflective in her sensitivity to the situation of other single parents and single-parented-children.” [Read: Single Parenting Challenges, Disadvantages]
You should ensure below things for your child’s wellbeing while single parenting. The following things may be handy...
The following interventions may also help you keep that fine balance...
And last try to connect with other single parents. There are some useful websites with useful content and widgets for Single Parents. Check for things like; is it a member’s only site or a general forum? Does it have an expert panel? Is there any useful content on first glance? Being a member of such a site will help you collaborate with parents with a similar disposition, going through similar issues. You may learn from each other and each other’s experiences.
Disclaimer: Names have been changed and used only for representational purposes.
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