Simple Fruit Puree Recipe ...
When your baby turns 6 months old and it is time to introduce solids, you might be wondering about the choice of foods to offer. Fruit purees are one of the first solids you can introduce. Read on to find out more about which ones you can offer and how to prepare these purees.
Your baby has reached the 6-month mark and it is an exciting phase! You are about to start feeding him solids and there are plenty of choices you have. Here are some simple fruit puree recipes – single fruit based – that you can start off with. As with any type of new food, start with tiny quantities at first to check for allergic reactions and intolerance. Once your baby moves on to mixed purees and cereals, you can mix and match these purees or even make shakes for your little one.
Ripe bananas contain high amounts of fiber in addition to all the wonderful nutrition they offer. This is one of the best and easiest first food purees to prepare.
Kiwi is a fruit rich in vitamins A, C and K. It also provides minerals like Potassium, Phosphorus, Magnesium and Calcium. Kiwi has a lot of water content, so there is no need to add any water or milk to make the puree.
Avocado is a very nutritious fruit which is rich in healthy fats. However, be sure to choose a soft, ripe avocado as raw avocado will be useless.
Muskmelon is also a good and mild fruit, which can be given to baby as a puree.
Fruit purees are nutritious and easy to prepare. We hope these recipes help you plan your baby’s meals.
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