1. Is Room Freshener Safe fo ...

Is Room Freshener Safe for Children? - Check Side-effects & Precautions

1 to 3 years

Aparna Jha


7 months ago

Is Room Freshener Safe for Children? - Check Side-effects & Precautions

Fragrance definitely upgrades the aura and adds to a delightful mood. It not only eliminates unpleasant odours but also makes your mood fresh. Unfortunately, room fresheners, deo have tremendous side effects associated with them that could lead to dicey situations. When it comes to your little one’s health it’s always advised to be better safe than sorry.

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Side Effects of Room Freshener for Kids:

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    1. When room freshener comes in contact with the skin, it can contribute to redness as well as irritation. Thus, it is imperative to handle it cautiously.
    2. Some toddlers may develop allergic skin reaction which results in rash.
    3. Symptoms like difficulty in breathing, choking and coughing have been observed when these room fresheners are inhaled. However, with natural and fresh quality of air, relief can be experienced.
    4. Swallowing solid room fresheners can be more alarming and threatening, it leads to mouth irritation. On the other hand, if liquid air freshener is swallowed the after effects are dangersome; such as nausea, vomiting, minor mouth irritation etc.
    5. Exposure to these room fresheners increases the risk of earache and stomach ache in new born babies.

    Are air fresheners safe for kids?

    These sprays(Deo, room freshners etc) are absolutely unsafe around infant. These increase the risks of stomach disorders, stimulate respiratory diseases such as asthma attacks, watery eyes, skin irritation, allergic reaction etc. It also contributes to lung infection, bleeding nose; the toxic materials present in it have the potential to cause nose as well as throat cancer.

    Alternatives for Room Fresheners:

    1. Throw away materials which cause awful smell in your home. Keep your habitat hygienic and clean.
    2. Let the fresh and natural air explore your place, open all the windows so as to undo foul smell.
    3. Create your own natural room freshener by taking a spray bottle filled with water and blend the scent of essential oils such as lavender, orange or lemon. These are organic and will cause no harm to your juvenile, moreover, it is always valuable in case you require a pleasing recharge.

    Maintain These Precautions while Using Room Freshener:

    1. Always keep in mind to spray the room freshener away from the younger one in such a way that it avoids direct inhalation.
    2. Replacing chemical loaded room fresheners with organic room fresheners can mitigate the hazardous effects.
    3. Spray it when your child is not present in the room and try to keep your house clean, this would eliminate the role of room fresheners.
    4. In case room fresheners come in contact with eyes or skin, wash it thoroughly with water. If it doesn’t resolves the irritation, don’t hesitate to undertake medical assistance.
    5. Securely keep the room fresheners far away from the reach of children.
    6. Ensure to use baby friendly room fresheners, avoid room fresheners that have warnings mentioned on their packaging.


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