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How To Deal With Vitamin D Deficiency In Children During Winters?

1 to 3 years

Huda  Shaikh


1 years ago

How To Deal With Vitamin D Deficiency In Children During Winters?

Our body requires a plethora of nutrients in order to function well, including Vitamin D, which is a fat-soluble vitamin, naturally, present only in a few foods, and otherwise acquired when sunlight touches your skin. While there are numerous sources of Vitamin D for non-vegetarians, being vegetarian mommies, you need to go the extra mile to ensure that their child is getting enough Vitamin D from the food he or she is eating. Our nutrition expert, Huda Shaikh, shares some tips.

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Read on to find out more about this ‘Sunshine Vitamin' and why it is important for your child especially during winters.


Why Is Vitamin D Essential For Your Child?

Time and again, we hear advice about going out in the morning sunshine for Vitamin D. So why is Vitamin D so important for your child? Here's why

  1. It is required for mineralization of bones, modulation of cell growth, neuromuscular and immune functions, and also helps in preventing inflammation. It helps prevent osteoporosis later in life
  2. Vitamin D has the role of a hormone, with important tasks such as immune system regulation and producing insulin. So if your child has had an injury, Vitamin D is an important factor in helping the bones heal well


How Much Vitamin D Should My Child Be Getting?

For babies who are younger than one year, the daily requirement is about 10mcg, and for children older than 12 months it is 15mcg. While it is rare, it is possible for a child to get too much vitamin D. Since this vitamin is stored in the tissues, it isn't recommended to get more than what the body needs. [Learn Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms, Risks for Babies]

Vegetarian Sources Of Vitamin D

If you live in a place where you barely see the sun during winter, make sure you include foods that are rich in Vitamin D. It has been noticed that vegetarians are more susceptible to Vitamin D deficiencies, so here are some vegetarian foods which, if consumed on daily basis, can help in increasing the Vitamin D levels.

  • Mushrooms
  • Soymilk, fortified with Vitamin D
  • Almond milk, fortified with Vitamin D
  • Orange juice, fortified with 25% Vitamin D
  • Yogurt, fortified with 20% Vitamin D
  • Milk, fortified with vitamin D
  • Swiss cheese
  • Soy yogurt, fortified with Vitamin D


More Tips To Maintain Vitamin D Levels

Apart from consuming the foods mentioned above, here are some other steps you can take. After all, prevention is always better than cure!

  • Reach out for sunlight every day for about 10-15 minutes, between 8-10 am. A walk in the neighbourhood before you leave for work will ensure that you get your dose of vitamin D
  • Try and look for foods that are fortified with Vitamin D, especially if you're a vegetarian
  • Don't skip those checkups. Get your Vitamin D levels checked every month to avoid deficiency
  • Opt for a supplement, but do not self-medicate; always consult a doctor. Taking a vitamin D supplement regularly helps maintains the required levels


ParentuneTip: Though all the items mentioned above are good sources of Vitamin D, you can't depend on any single one, so ensure that you maintain a healthy balance.

These are just a few solutions to help you fight low levels of Vitamin D in your child. Have some thoughts or tips? Share your views and feedback in the comments section below.


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