Know What Tests You'll Ne ...
Know What Tests You'll Need During Pregnancy

During pregnancy a woman goes through some alterations in her body and life. It is one of the essential times in a pregnant woman’s life. A series of prenatal tests will be included in the duration of 9 months of gestation and to ascertain the well-being of mother and her baby it becomes very important to pass some tests. A pregnant woman must understand the value of these tests during pregnancy. So, read on to know what these tests are all about.
First Trimester Test
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The tests during the initial 3 months of pregnancy are of utmost importance. These tests will ascertain the risks of the diseases and congenital disabilities in the development fetus. These tests are as follows.
- Pregnancy Blood Test - The blood test involves a small prick of a needle in the arm vein though which the blood will be extracted with the help of syringe. The blood test is carried out to determine a few things in a pregnant woman such as immunity to Rubella and Chicken-pox, Hepatitis B, Syphilis, HIV, Haemoglobin level, RH status, Blood-grouping and exposure to Toxoplasmosis.
- Ultrasound Scanning - The Ultrasound scanning is basically carried out to assure the pregnancy and to calculate the due date.
- Urine Pregnancy Test - Under ‘urine test’ the sample of the urine if collected to test the urinary tract infections, kidney problem, level of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin and the presence of glucose in urine.
- Plasma Protein Screening (PAPP-A) - This test is executed to ascertain the chromosomes’ level in the body. Through this screening any genetic disorder can easily be prevented.
- Nuchal Translucency – This test is carried out to check the Down Syndromes Trisomy 21 and Trisomy 18.
Second Trimester Test
After the completion of your first semester you will be entering your 2nd trimester. You won’t have to worry as much as in your first semester because during the period of your initial first 3 months of pregnancy the chances of unplanned miscarriages are high. However, once you enter the second trimester the chances reduced by 50%. There are few tests that are important in nature to be carried out after 1st trimester which are as follows.
- Blood Test
- Urine Test
- Spinal Tube Defects
- Down Syndrome
- Gestational Diabetes
- Triple Marker Test
- Quadruple Marker Test
- Ultrasound Scanning – Out of all the tests this is very important in ever trimester of pregnancy to make sure the growth of the baby in the normal range, measuring the length of the cervix, checking the fetal movements and development of the vital organs in the body.
Third Trimester Test
As you move into the third trimester, you will be getting closer to the pregnancy date. The last few weeks will be crucial and involve the following tests.
- Ultrasound Scanning – Even in third semester the ultrasound scanning is carried out to check the level of amnoitic fluid , growth of the baby, measurement of the thigh bones, the head and the mid-sections, position of the baby in the uterus to see if you an have a vaginal delivery or a caesarean one etc.
- Urine Pregnancy Test – The urine test is executed to check the sugar levels and iron levels.
- SWAB Test – This is also known as the Group B Streptococcus Bacteria Test. Under this test any bacterial infection in the vagina and rectum can easily be prevented.
- Non-stress Test – Under this test the heart-beat is done throughout the pregnancy using a Doppler which is a hand-held device to check the heart rate and movements.
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