1. An Open Letter From A Mot ...

An Open Letter From A Mother To Her Teenage Daughter

11 to 16 years

Urvashi Shah


2 years ago

An Open Letter From A Mother To Her Teenage Daughter

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Nurturing Child`s Interests

Dear Shreya,

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I’ve dreamt about you right from the day I fell in love with your father. Yes, I had always wanted a daughter, and since I met your father all I had thought about was to have a daughter like you. Soon both of us started considering having you in our life and our dream came true the day I conceived you. We were overjoyed, overwhelmed and our happiness knew no bounds.

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    Our Bundle Of Joy – Our Princess 

    We cried when you cried, laughed when you laughed, were joyous when you babbled, excited when you said your first word and overjoyed when you took your first step. We’ve cared for you more than anyone in this world because you are our precious little one, no matter how old you grow.

    Your Mother – Your Friend First

    You are now going ahead in your life and taking a step in to the teenage years which can be sure a confusing time. But all I would like you to know is that I am there for you, as a mother and as a friend so you can reach out to me first when in need. You will now have a lot going on in your life with little time to spend with your parents but we will still be holding your back at every step in life.

    My Letter To You

    Whatever you do and say, I am here to stay. Writing this letter to you, my dear daughter, I would want you to know certain things in life. Since everything you do and say will have an impact on your life directly or indirectly, I am writing this letter to help you make the right decisions in life. With God giving us free will, you have yours too but be assured to choose everything in life wisely rather out of mere passion or craze. The world is giving in to peer pressure but I urge you to stay strong and not give in to peer pressure, as I will always have your back no matter what. There are things to teach you that I would rather write than say as this letter will be there for you even when I’m away. Hold on tight my little one and read this wise, as every step of yours will be a matter of your choice.

    The World And Your Place In It

    You know how callous the society can be when it comes to girls. Instead of minding one’s own business, the society is more keen on peeping in their noses in the life of others and god forbid if that others is a girl or a woman. These days anything a girl does or says becomes the talk of the town which is why I am writing this letter to you to encourage on making the right life decisions. A number of issues pertaining girls are all over the media lately which only makes us more cautious towards our daughters.

    The Teenage And Raging Hormones

    The raging hormones, the peer pressure to always look good can make you averse to my peeking in your life but trust me that it is for your better that we will try to connect with you now and then. Otherwise how will be able to help you when you are in trouble if we are not in loop about your life and whereabouts.

    Since I receive the similar kind of letter from my mom I am carrying forward the tradition of writing this letter to you and hope that you will carry it forward with your child as well. I want you to know that while You’re your mother I am also your friend and hence you can come up to me and talk about anything and everything under the sun – yes including sex and boyfriends.

    Concluding My Letter To You

    This is where I am concluding my letter for you. I am your mother, your protector and your care giver and will always have your back, whether you need it or not. There will be times when you may frown at me, be rude with me or talk back and even completely shut me out, but my child I will never let anything have an adverse impact on your life. I hope you save this letter as it is my only little advice to you which you can pass it on to your little one when you grow up. There will be a time when you step in to my shoes and feel the depth of this letter written to you. Take your time, share with me and understand me that as a mother I will always advice you to make clear but good choices in your life. Trust me, I was no different than you and had similar experiences like you but had my mother in constant support which enabled me in making the right life choices.

    Your loving mommy.

    Did you like this heart-touching letter by a mommy to her teen daughter? Do you have a teen at home? What advice would you give your teen boy or girl regarding making the right decisions in life? Share your views and thoughts with us in the comments section below.

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