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How to introduce offbeat hobbies to your child?

7 to 11 years

Urvashi Shah


3 years ago

How to introduce offbeat hobbies to your child?

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Children are born with a natural interest in everything and hence become inquisitive depending on their genetics and liking. Hobbies are a great way to keep your child busy and focused in something that he loves to do and also helps him become more creative. Most of the parents at time see their personal unaccomplished interests in their children and become distresses when their child shows no love and passion for the same. It is important to understand your child’s interest and not to enforce any of your interests in him. You must take some time out and talk to your child to see what excites him and help him enrol in the same. You should respect the individuality of your child and support their interests in every manner to help them grow in every aspect.

There are a lot of hobbies that your child can take up but first you must give them exposure to a few of them to help them learn and understand about the same. This will develop fondness in your child about the activities and he can then go ahead with the one he likes the most. Let us look up to a few hobbies that will be suitable for your child to embark up on.

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    Offbeat Hobbies For Your Child

    1. Gardening & Horticulture: Does your child like nature and loves to be outdoors most of the time? If yes then he might be a nature lover and this is where you can introduce him to various outdoor activities such as gardening, collecting different types of leaves and keeping them in the books, taking him to a zoo or going bird watching with him. Spending time with nature will be good for their overall physical and mental development. Not just this, you can also gift your child a few books on nature with pictures in it that might incline him towards reading also
    2. Knitting & Embroidery: Has your child shown interest towards knitting or designing patterns on his or her clothes or somewhere in his or her room. Then introduce him or her to the magic of knitting or if he or she is interested in beautifying his or her clothes or accessories then embroidery is the hobby for your child
    3. Pottery and sculpting: Being creative is the best thing ever and if your child loves to draw and paint then it is never too late for you to enrol him in drawing class. Does your child love to play with his playdough set? If yes then you can also shape up your child’s creativity by enrolling him in pottery class where he will love the company of some clay and mud that can be given a creative shape. You can also introduce origami to your child and if he tends to love it then nobody can stop him from becoming a master of the same
    4. Cooking & Baking: Have you noticed your child accompanying you in the kitchen every time? Does cooking bring inquisitiveness in him? If yes, then he might be fond of cooking and it is time for you to give shape to this liking towards that art. If you find spare time, then bring your child to the kitchen and teach him some simple cooking such as baking a cake or making chocolates which he will not only enjoy to learn but will also relish the same. You can enrol him in cooking classes also that will bring out the best cook in him while he enjoys the activity
    5. Numismatics & Philately: Does your child love to collect coins or stamps or even shells then numismatics (the hobby of collecting coins), philately (the hobby of collecting stamps) or conchology (the hobby of collecting shells) is the hobby for your child. This is a good chance for you to introduce him to collecting coins, stamps, tickets or even stones which have a striking resemblance to certain things. Visiting museums is one such thing which your child will love and you can teach him about the bygone era also
    6. Music: If your child loves music, then do encourage him or her to take up some instrument of his choice and you can enrol him in a class where he or she can learn to play the same. Adding this talent to his kitty will boast up his personality overall and might even reduce aggressiveness in your child as well as making them more focused and determined
    7. Reading & Writing: If your child is an introvert and likes to gather knowledge through books, the best you can do is give him books of his choice which he can read in his spare time. This will not only help your child enjoy what he is doing but will also sharpen up his knowledge and vocabulary to a large extent. What you can do is give a specific topic to your child to write about, such as an essay and you will be impressed with his writing skills which will be a boon in disguise due to his love for reading. Apart from knowledgeable books, give your child some comics also that will encourage the creativity in him

    We have come up with the above-mentioned hobbies for your child and introducing your child to a world of offbeat hobbies. Understanding your child and his or her likings will help you in getting to know what excites him or her. So always encourage your child to make hobbies his or her passion. Do not worry as your child can have more than one hobby but as long as he or she loves it, you can enjoy him being focused.

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