How To Deal With Baby Spi ...
My baby vomits or spits out milk as soon I feed him/her. What can I do? Milk spitting is quite a common issue faced by new moms and while at times she tries to do everything possible in her hands and capacity, yet as a mother, she struggles to find answers to certain questions like why does her baby splits milk after every feed? And hence today I am sharing a blog on milk spitting and everything related to it. So let's start with what is milk spitting?
Did you know that baby spitting milk is quite a common phenomenon? But it can be a cause of worries for a new mom. Here our expert Dr. Surbhi Saini has tried to put all your worries/anxieties to rest.
Answers. Milk spitting is also called as reflux, it is generally regurgitation of milk /stomach contents from the stomach to mouth; more common in children below 1yr of age, because her digestive system is still developing, or probably she overfed.
Answers. Milk spitting happens because of two reasons.
Answers. When a small amount of milk/food (1-2tbsp/feed) is regurgitated without making the baby uncomfortable is called as spitting. But, when spitting up makes your baby uncomfortable, the amount of food regurgitated is increased or baby puts in more force, then it is called as vomiting.
Also Read: feeding Schedule For Your Newborn
Answers. Make the following changes in your way of making her burp.
Answers. It can be lessened by following ways.
Answers. As long as your baby is gaining weight as per her age and is developing there's no need to worry. But, the following signs are a 'Red Alert' signs when you need to consult with your pediatrician.
Spitting food is normal and not painful for your baby. Majority times it doesn't even affect her health. Make sure to feed her at an interval of every 2-3 hours. However, as the child grows the number of feeds decrease but the amount per feed increases. Though make sure to seek a pediatrician's consultation in case you notice any red alert signs. [Also know - Fellow parents issues on milk-spitting].
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