1. Tips to Manage Gestationa ...

Tips to Manage Gestational Diabetes in Winter & Responsible Factors, Impact of Season


SANTHI sankar


5 years ago

Tips to Manage Gestational Diabetes in Winter & Responsible Factors, Impact of Season

If you have gestational diabetes then your doctor must have told you to be extra careful during winter months, as winters can increase the complications during pregnancy if you have gestational diabetes as well. But first, let us understand what exactly is gestational diabetes and how does it affect your pregnancy. A normal diabetic person is advised to exercise caution during severe winter months. [Know More - How Mothers Can Stay Fit & Healthy in Winters?]

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What Is Gestational Diabetes?

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    Gestational diabetes is high blood sugar levels that develop during pregnancy and usually disappear post the delivery. Gestational diabetes usually appears during the second or third trimester. However, if not taken proper care, it can bring about several complications for the normal progression of the pregnancy and health of the unborn baby.

    Tips to Manage Gestational Diabetes in Winter

    How to manage winter-time gestational diabetes? If you are pregnant and have gestational diabetes then you need to be extra careful during these months. Winters and diabetes have a connection. Here are some suggestions to manage your gestational diabetes during winter. Read below...

    • Test the Blood Sugar Level More Frequently: Monitor the glucose levels more frequently during the winter. This will allow you to make decisions faster regarding the changes that should make in diet and medicine and to prevent an extreme rise or fall of blood sugar
    • Warm hand before taking the reading: If your hands are cold, warm them up to get a good blood sugar reading. For this, simply rub the hands or wash your hand with warm water before taking blood to test. Warming up helps to increase blood circulation in the hands and make it easier to get a drop of blood and blood sugar reading as well
    • Keep Your Supplies Out of the Cold: Never keep your medicines, testing strips and the meter on extreme cold condition. Just like extreme heat, extreme cold can affect the quality of the stored insulin modules and hinder the working of the glucose meter. Your glucose meter will work best when it's kept in a room with optimum temperature, which is between 50 and 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Therefore, don't leave supplies in the car during chilly winter nights
    • Keep Exercising: It is quite true that the cold winter days are less persuasive for exercise. In fact, lots of pregnant women tend to skip the exercise routine during the winter. But, exercising has a very positive impact on blood sugars and it is an important key in regulating blood sugar level.dress up yourself in layers and go out for a brisk walk. Or join a gym where you can work out indoors
    • Never Put on Weight: Try not to gain weight more than that you are allowed. Winter is a festive month and many winter treats are loaded with carbohydrates and moreover, your craving will be at its peat as well. All these pave the way to hike your blood sugar level. Plan your meals and pace accordingly. Even a small weight gain makes it more difficult to control your diabetes and blood sugar levels
    • Take An Annual Flu Shot: It is important to take the annual flu shot just before winter, especially during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes makes you prone to different winter infections. The stress during an infection can, in turn, raise your blood sugar level as well
    • Stay Well Hydrated: Cold weather brings down the necessity to drink water and it adversely affects your fluid intake. This will affect your blood sugar level and also pave the way to dehydration. Therefore, keep yourself hydrated with water and hot drinks, free from sugar during the winter
    • Watch Your Diet: Take advantage of winter foods that may offer additional health benefits and meet both your pregnancy nutrition and gestational diabetes. Include amla, green vegetables, fresh fruits, and vegetables in your menu. Use healthy cooking methods and use less oil for cooking

    These are some of the ways you can manage your diabetes during winters and stay fit and healthy during your pregnancy. Read: Is It Possible to Have Natural Delivery in Gestational Diabetes?

    How Gestational Diabetes Affect Your Pregnancy?

    Gestational diabetes increases the chances of high blood pressure and preeclampsia in expecting mothers. They are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes in the future as well. Gestational diabetes can increase the risk of the baby being a preemie and, thereby, increases the chances of the associated issues like respiratory distress syndrome. It can also increase the chances of the baby being born with high birth weight, respiratory difficulties, hypoglycemia, and future Type 2 diabetes.

    What Are The Factors Responsible For Gestational Diabetes?

    Risk factors for developing gestational diabetes include the age of the mother (as the age increases the chances of developing this condition also increases. More often found among mothers more than 25 years), obesity of the mother, family history of gestational diabetes. [Read What to Take Care During Gestational Diabetes?]

    What Is The Effect of Season On Gestational Diabetes?

    Do you know the season has also influenced the chances of gestational diabetes? We already know that during winter months the Hb A1c level of all types of diabetes tends to increase. Be that as it may, as per the latest research held by the University of Adelaide in Australia, women who get pregnant during the winter are at higher risk of developing gestational diabetes. The research also shows that the rate of this type of diabetes is in the rising mode as well.


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