1. Autism - Managing anxiety ...

Autism - Managing anxiety in children due to change in routine

7 to 11 years

Shamin Mehrotra


4 years ago

Autism - Managing anxiety in children due to change in routine

Many children on the autism spectrum like a certain and specific way of doing things. A small devition from that routine or method can become a soiurce of stress and anxiety for them. This happens as the element of predicatbility is taken away with the change. To put kids at ease and to help them cope with change in routine tasks and activities, one can build predicatability by talking to them about it, showing visuals and gently preparing them mentally to adopt the change. Shamin Mehrotra, a Senior Mental Health Therapist from UMMEED Child Development Center, Mumbai talks about how parents can accept this change in the current pandemic scenario and how they can help their child cope with the anxiety of coping with the new normal.

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