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Learning & Engaging Activities For Your 12 Month Old Baby

0 to 1 years

Janaki Srinivasan
3 years ago

Learning & Engaging Activities For Your 12 Month Old Baby

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Having and managing a baby at home can be quite a task unless you know how to keep them occupied and channelize their never-ending energy. Most moms with toddlers at home are always short of ideas and look quite exhausted unable to keep their little ones busy. So, here are some tips to get you started.

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Activities For 12 Month Old Baby:

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    By the time kids turn 12, they have just learnt or are in the process of learning to walk. At the same time, they are also improving their communication skill. Therefore at this stage the most important thing is to be with them and engage them in simple activities that arouse their curiosity. You can use any of the following:


    Use rattles, spoons, pots and pans, bells or anything that can make sound. This helps in coordination and listening skills.

    Pretend Play:

    You could use a cardboard box to make a house or a tunnel, make an entrance and an exit and make you child go in and come out. They will just love it and do it over and over again. You could even use a toy telephone or an old phone and pretend to have a conversation with each other or other imaginary people. That way they learn a little bit of social skills and gross motor skills.

    Count and Play:

    As your little is beginning to start with those little words, he/she will love it when you count and play with their fingers and toes. That way they can slowly learn numbers and basics of counting. You can gradually move on from fingers to objects, stairs and so on. They’ll be all the more excited!

    Learning Activities for Preschoolers:

    As your child grows up you can introduce activities and games that help them recognize and differentiate numbers and colors. At a pre-school stage, most children know basic alphabets and numbers. Here are some ideas to engage toddlers and aid their development as well:

    • You can give them a box of assorted crayons and ask them to sort them out. Help them know and recognize the colors as they do this
    • You can have blocks of different colors and ask them to sort blocks of the same color together
    • Alternately you could ask them to dip them finger/hands in paint and spread it out on paper. As they spread them, help them recognize the colors
    • Make them do little activities by giving small instructions. “Can you place the yellow ball near the box?” “Do you want to eat red apple or the yellow banana? Go and bring it from the table.” Activities like these engage the children and help them learn while playing very effortlessly
    • You can hide alphabets in a plate full of mud and ask them to find it. When they find them, help them learn the alphabets
    • You can cut out patterns and shapes and make them match the similar ones
    • Get a playdough and watch them create objects out of imagination. Children somehow cannot get enough of the playdough…they can go on with it for hours together
    • Create some hurdles using household items—pots, pans, clothes etc. Ask your child to walk through the maze to the finish point without touching any of the objects on the way or falling off. Kids love it!
    • If your child loves cars, you can take a big sheet of paper and number parking slots on it. Mark the toy cars your child has with numbers and ask him/her to place the car in the right parking slot according to the numbers

    Learning and Engaging Activities for 2 years old:

    At 2, your child understands much better and so you can engage them with very interesting activities. At this stage children experience more physical, social, intellectual and emotional changes that help them to explore the world around them better. Here are some learning activities for 2 years old for starters. You can tweak them according to your child’s interests.

    • You can hide a toy somewhere in the house and get them to find it
    • You can make them run, skip, jump by giving instructions
    • You can trace his/her hands and feet on a sheet of paper and help them recognize and identify fingers
    • You can teach them body parts and cut out different body parts from different pictures from magazines and ask them to assemble those
    • Give them a doll and ask them to pretend play with them. Ask them to dress up, feed and talk to the doll. This encourages social skills and imagination
    • Read out a book and enact it out. Make your children also enact some parts of it
    • Set out different kinds of clothes in front of them. Ask them to sort it—socks, pants, shirts, jackets etc. Ask them to drop each into a different box

    With children around life is a roller coaster ride. They are full of energy and excitement every minute and as parents it is quite challenging to engage them in meaningful ways. Many parents complain that children as small as 2 spend time with gadgets. To prevent this, the only way is to get creative and think of ways to use things available at home to make your child play and learn at the same time. It is not difficult at all. All it requires is some patience and a dash of creativity. This can lead to endless fun and can help you bond very well with your children. Try these out and tell us which ones worked for you. If you have other ideas, do share those with us too.

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