1. Is Solar Eclipse Harmful ...

Is Solar Eclipse Harmful During Pregnancy? Precautions & Significance


Swati C Sharma


5 years ago

Is Solar Eclipse Harmful During Pregnancy? Precautions & Significance

Solar Eclipse has always triggered a kind of fear in the hearts of pregnant ladies. I too was not immune to the fear, for when it comes to our baby; we mommies will do anything to safeguard them. However, post my delivery, I wanted to know more about Surya Grahan and its effects on the pregnant ladies and unborn babies. But first let' s understand what solar eclipse is before we learn about its so-called effects on you and your baby. [ Check This - Should Expecting Moms Worry Lunar Eclipse 2020? Precautions, Dates & Effect ]

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    What Is A Solar Eclipse?

    As per what science says, a solar eclipse is said to happen when the moon comes in between the sun and the earth, making the earth go dark for a few moments. Now, science would explain the phenomenon as purely scientific and based on planetary orbiting, but the fact that earth loses out on the sun in the day has some astrological connotations to it as well. Celestial events are always huge milestones, but then, so is pregnancy, and when the two happen to occur together, there is bound to be something to take away. [ Read - Things Pregnant Moms Not To Do During Solar Eclipse ]

    Is Solar Eclipse Harmful During Pregnancy?

    Though scientifically there is no evidence that a solar eclipse can affect pregnancy or harm an unborn baby, yet there are religious and astrological beliefs that may inspire superstitious beliefs in us. Pregnancy is one of the most delicate and important times for a woman, and it is but natural to be extra careful and all the more sensitive to not just the medical aspects that concern a pregnancy, but also the traditional codes that are followed through the gestational period. And that is why I feel it is worth discussing whether a solar eclipse is harmful during pregnancy or not.

    Surya Grahan & It's Astrological Significance

    Astrologically, a solar eclipse or a Surya Grahan is said to occur when the mighty Sun is shadowed by Rahu or Ketu, both considered as rogue planets. I would just add here that Rahu is the north node of the moon, and Ketu is the south node, and so a large population is believed to get affected when these two planets block the light of the Sun from reaching the Earth. Because both these astronomical bodies are believed to be very powerful, they are also believed to have malefic effects on people. And if you are pregnant at this time, you will be advised to be cautious to avert any adverse effects of the planetary positioning.

    What Should You Do If Pregnant During A Solar Eclipse?

    Though a natural phenomenon, pregnant women who believe in astrology and the science of the Grehan's are advised to take the following:

    A Pregnant woman's concern about what are the dos and don'ts during Solar Eclipse

    1. Stay Indoors: Pregnant women are advised to stay indoors as much as possible; as it is believed that stepping out could cause facial deformities or birthmarks in the unborn baby. Cleft lips or unsightly birthmarks are believed to be caused if the mother steps out during a Solar eclipse

    2. Never Look at the Eclipse with Naked Eyes: Now this does have a scientific connection as well, and whether pregnant or not, you should never look at the eclipse with bare eyes. In fact, looking at the Sun directly with naked eyes could damage the retina

    3. Avoid Using Sharp Objects: Pregnant women are advised not to use sharp objects like pins and needles and knives as using them is believed to cause birth defects in the baby

    4. No Sleeping: During the eclipse time, pregnant women should avoid sleeping. If possible, they should sit on some darbha grass spread on the floor

    5. Bath Twice: If you are pregnant at the time of the solar eclipse, it is advised to take a bath before and after the eclipse. A head bath should be taken after the eclipse gets over to nullify all the ill-effects of the Surya Grahan

    6. Chant Mantras: To safeguard yourself and the baby from the malefic effects of the solar eclipse, chant Santana Gopala Mantra or MahaMrutyunjaya Mantra during the eclipse period. Vishnu Mantras and Surya Mantras are known to have beneficial effects

    7. Suspend Regular Routines: During the period of the eclipse, cooking, eating, bathing, drinking water, etc. are prohibited until the eclipse is over. All utensils should be cleaned after the eclipse to cook

    8. Block the Sun: To keep yourself away from the eclipse, block the sun's rays from entering your house by drawing thick curtains or covering the windows with newspaper

    Remember, the above restrictions stem from the astrological and traditional beliefs and there is no harm following the customs. If observing a few do's and don'ts happens to give you and your family peace of mind, it is probably worth doing it.

    What If I Can't Stay Indoors During Surya Grahan?

    If there are circumstances that make you step out, do not panic. Rest assured there is no scientific evidence to suggest that a solar eclipse can be particularly harmful to you or your unborn baby. Try not to go too long without food and drink because that could cause symptoms like dizziness, headaches, nausea and even fainting. Dehydration can be a major concern during pregnancy. At the hint of any discomfort, reach out to your doctor.

    Be reasonable while following your religious beliefs, making informed choices that are good for you, the baby and your family.

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