Insomnia(Sleeplessness) C ...
I could not find a parent till now, who could say that his/her baby does not make any fuss before falling asleep. We often find that though our children are tired they can't fall asleep easily or they can't stay asleep for a satisfactory period of time. This condition of sleep deprivation is called Insomnia or anhypnia.
Insomnia is a sleep disorder under whose influence an individual finds it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep or both. As a result that individual does not feel refreshed when he/she wakes up experiencing fatigue, mood disturbances, low energy and poor performance in office and schools. In the cases of both adults and children, insomnia(Sleeplessness) can be diagnosed as short term, long term or acute, and chronic. [Read - How to Test Colour Blindness in Toddlers - Symptoms & Causes]
We have to keep in mind that in the cases of toddlers their inner biological clock some times works late wishing to stay awake late at night and continue to sleep till late morning. However, there are some striking sleeplessness symptoms that are clear enough to tell us if our children have been suffering from insomnia(lack of sleep).
There are several factors that may cause insomnia among children and even toddlers. As parents, we must know that the physical health of our children can influence the sleep pattern of our children. Sleep disorders such as obstructive sleep apnoea (snoring problem) and restless leg syndrome can cause insomnia among children.
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Parents, there is no denying the fact that acute insomnia(ahypnia) among children can't be cured without medical and psychiatric help. However, if we follow some prevention we can avoid this sleep disorder for our children.
Natural remedies for insomnia among children may take away the dependency on medical treatment to cure it. Moreover, these remedies help a child to develop a healthy sleep habit too.
If you find that sleeplessness makes it hard for your child to function actively and happily at day time and your child is showing some striking behavioral changes like mood swings and cranky behavior, you must consult a good pediatrician for proper diagnosis of cause and effective treatment for your child.
This is my personal overview of Insomnia among children. Please share your opinion and suggestions in the comments section below.
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