1. How working parents have ...

How working parents have positive impact on child's behaviour!

1 to 3 years



2 months ago

How working parents have positive impact on child's behaviour!
Shwetha's maternity break was coming to an end, and she couldn't stop worrying about little Anya, who was 6 months old. She and her partner had researched and zeroed in on an excellent daycare facility, and Shwetha's parents lived close by, ready to take care of Anya whenever required. But guilt kept eating at Shwetha, and she couldn't help feeling like she was compromising her time and bond with her baby by choosing to get back to work.

As the number of women in various types of workplaces increases, this situation is fairly common. The internal battle that goes on inside a mother's mind about whether, and when to return to work after a baby, defines the stereotypical pressure on a mother in society. If you've been in this situation, or are going through it now, read on to find out how your child will benefit from you being a working mother.

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    • Independence: Whether your child is in a daycare, or is being looked after by grandparents, she will develop a sense of independence rapidly. This will be more evident as your child grows older, and you see that she can do a lot of things herself, without being dependent on a parent
    • Routine: Even when your child is an infant, he will develop a sense for routine. He knows that you will return at 6 PM, and will start looking at the door, waiting for you. Weekends are for family fun, and slowly your child will adapt to this routine
    • Care from others: Your child needs the influence and care of other loving adults, too. Apart from being showered with love, his social skills will benefit from being around grandparents or other close relatives who take care of him when you're away. One other possible benefit is that his language skills can improve while conversing in different languages with different people
    • Break stereotypes: Gone are the days when gender stereotypes were imposed, and roles were predefined. Now, many mothers can choose to work or stay at home. But that's the thing – it is a conscious choice. Your child will see this as the way of life, rather than thinking that gender defines parenting roles

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    1. Have a trustworthy support system: If you are one of those fortunate people who has family close by to look after your little one, nothing like it. However, it isn't always possible, and so you need to pick your support system with care. Whether it's a day care facility, or a nanny, make sure you do your research and ask friends for references, too
    2. Drop off or pick up from school: Take turns with your partner to do the school rounds every morning and evening. This gives you some time with your child before the busy day begins, and after a long day, to just chat. Dropping her off at school also means you have those extra 20 minutes with her in the morning!
    3. Eat one meal a day together: Dinner is the most practical possibility, but schedule at least one meal a day together, as a family. Meal time is not just for eating, but for relaxed conversation, and bonding. Put away your gadgets, and get chatting
    4. Bed time: The minutes before a child goes to sleep matter a great deal to her quality of sleep. When it is filled with mama's soothing voice reading her a story while cuddling her, or talking in hushed tones about what she did during the day while you listen with 100% attention, she will really sleep like the baby she is. Switch off your mobile or leave it in another room while you're getting ready for bed time
    5. Speak on the phone if you will be late from work: This will reassure your child that you will be on your way soon, and that you're thinking of her. Your child needs this sense of security for her emotional development
    6. Don't carry work home: Yes, this is so much easier said than done. However, try not to let work stress you out at home, because this can lead to misdirecting your frustration at your child. Put away your laptop when she is awake, and send those emails after she is asleep, if absolutely necessary
    7. Weekend fun: Spend quality time with your child over the weekend. Have some fun outings to the malls, supermarket, temple or even just a long walk in the park
    8. A short outing every day: If your child has not started school, or playschool, she definitely needs a daily outing. It could be a very short walk to the provision store, or half an hour at the neighborhood park. But she needs the change. Ensure to do it once you are back from work
    Quality time matters more than quantity. So don't stress yourself out with a guilt trip every morning when you leave for work. Try these tips to tweak your routine, and your child will be a happy child! How do you maintain work-life balance with a small child? Share your tips with us in the comments section!

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